General Discussion

General DiscussionWex/Exort vs Quas/Wex Invoker

Wex/Exort vs Quas/Wex Invoker in General Discussion

    I have read alot of guides and such, saying that the Quas/Wex invoker is where it is all at.
    I have tried that build several times, and have also studied how others do it, but I can't seem to figure out how Quas/Wex is better than a Wex/Exort build with 1 or 2 early points in Quas.
    Can anyone explain why Quas/Wex is portrayed as the best build?


      have u ever fight againts good invoker who always landing emp perfectly on fight?
      if yes, then thats the answer for u


        Title says Wex/Exort,

        talking about Quas/wex invoker.



          ^ i didn't even notice that lmfao


            Title said Wex/Exort because that is the type I play.
            A good invoker can place the EMP, then judge if he needs to do anything to keep his opponent within range. Usually I would follow with a tornado, or ice wall - which is still a valuable slow with one point in Qas.

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              i actually enjoy Wex/Exort, gives u range for tornado and meteor so u probably can skip the eul's and go dagger to set up combos


                Wex Exort: as long you have mana, you can still escape somehow
                Quas Wex: mini stunned, mana burned, try to run?ghostwalk and tornado ready to catch you >:D

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