General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you want something done, you got to do it yourself?

If you want something done, you got to do it yourself? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    How many times did you actually do what your role wasny suppose to be doing? It can be little things like carries buying wards, supports who transition to carries, single target heroes turned rats, etc etc? Thoughts bout ur exp


      I was meant to help carry this game but I took the bullet and abandoned this one 14 minutes into the game when my team had fed 12 deaths and our mid zeus was level 7 with brown boots a bottle and a wand while the enemy tiny was level 11 with treads and a blink. Does that count?


        I have played support games where I carried the team on my back. (I know it isn't really carrying, but true story here:)
        My best game with Disruptor: 16 kills, 4 deaths, 18 assists. Came in to support, but my team was already dead (one fled the scene alive). Ulted, ran them some Thunder Strike, then juked the hell out of some stuns. Killed the courier, and baited their last hero long enough to get him killed. After this, I told the carry to buy wards. XD

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          When I play carry I sometimes buy wards and up the cour if I'm having a great fucken lane :D whats 300 gold if you're support is keeping their offlane lvl 1 @ min 5.

          When I play offlane I buy my own wards; barely ask anyshit from my team mates like tangoes or w/e.


            Every damn fuccking game! Just watch my steam next time

            Paid actor

              I cant remember a game where some1 placed a mid highground ward for me, so i usually do that myself.


                if there is a solo support working hard warding,stacking and getting me free farm then yeah, i'd always buy wards to keep him motivated. especially if we are against an invis hero.

                why wouldn't you?

                Dire Wolf

                  I always play my role, though some heroes get pigeonholed into support roles (*cough* necro *cough*) when they should be carries and vice versa sometimes (like wk carry depending on match should be support).

                  However as a support I buy hardly any wards first ~15 mins. Those early wards are overrated unless other team is camping runes, ganking your mid etc. Map awareness/calling missing heroes is just as effective. I prefer to wait until t1s are down the put them deeper in enemy territory so we can push t2s safely or gank their jungle etc.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Almost every fucking game, breaking up fights, telling the monkeys to PUSH WHEN WE HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OVER AND OVER, buying wards for the solo support to keep him motivated, OR buying wards myself cause BOTH THE SUPPORTS can't ward for some reason. I think it's pathetic when you have two supports, and have them complaining about not having money for wards. (then realize they both have luxury items like Blink, working on ags, and making Shivas guard and shit lmao) Another shitty thing is when you have a solo support (which is cool, even if he's garbage at support, you can't really get mad at him, or tell him that, cause then he'll just stop supporting all together, cause egos are fragile on dota. I hate when they complain about being poor, and these niggas are walking around at 30 minutes with NO boots. Meanwhile, when I solo support as venge or something, I end up having an Aquila, phase (or treads if i need to tank up) force staff, blink, and all these other good items that will help the team, even if I solo support, i'll FIND A WAY to get farm without stealing farm.
                    I swear, i'm SERIOUSLY thinking about learning how to be a good support player, every support player I met has high MMR, I feel like I can solo support more than these pieces of trash can dual support.

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                      You can buy 1 Observer ward, it is now only $75 gold$ bro, like the tp scroll. I bought it everygame while not playing support. But im not a jerk, i only buy "one" ward. Mostly if i played the offlane.

                      Let me tell u, when i play as a support player i really need the stock availability of observer ward. But sometimes as a hard support you are in condition where u dont have the $gold$, and i often met someone crying for ward and then he rage buy all the obs stock then he placed it in stupid spots or never place it just keep it while he farming is really ruining the game of supporting.

                      So if u want to help the support, its better to buy it and tell ur support its dropped on your fountain.


                        It happens occasionally. I remember a game where I was a Support Abaddon and I had to turn into a semicarry pretty early on because my team was getting destroyed by a Huskar and I was the only one who could stay alive long enough to kill him. It wasn't because I was any better then my team, its just that Abaddon was the only hero we had capable if lasting more then 3 seconds against Huskar. Usually when I change roles its because the hero I'm playing is going to be more useful in that other role in that particular game.