General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo at 1k

Meepo at 1k in General Discussion

    How do you improve with meepo? i can do the poof blink combo, i can farm all lanes, i get a 14-18 min aghs, i get to 50 mins then i lose game with more than 10 kills. How do you carry a game and end it fast with meepo when you got noob teamates? next time i wanna climb from 1k to at least 2k mmr with meepo and techies.


      play objective gaming


        Try to win before min 40


          forget blink-poof and just stack agi items, bots and split push.

          (this is for 1k meepo)

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            General power of meepo is that he deals sick amount of dmg just with boots + blink + scepter. And ofc he benefits from stat items.

            PT + scepter + Blink by the 18-19 minute mark is your goal. Then u should generally get some kills on their core heros. Engage in fights, try not to die and snowball after that. Good is that u dont initiate but jump right into middle of the fight.

            Just being in won teamfight can give u 3 exp lvls. U should have an Ultimate Orb by the min 21-22. With Ultimate Orb and 4-5 meepos (depends on lvl) u can easily take Rosh down. After that u should start pushing and jumping on everybody on sight.

            On average game go for skadi first, always. Schyte after that or E-blade. If u were counterpicked by for example Ember, then go for schyte first or if u want to kill Storm Spirit, high mobile heroes and then skadi. Last item depends. If u have troubles going high ground go for manta style. u can poof into images what usually confuse enemies.

            When to pick meepo:
            - against heroes like:
            - Juggernaut - he;s omnislash damage is spready between all meepos, and he cannot escape using his first spell
            - Luna - her ult damage is spread between meepos and is usually squishy
            - Templar Assasin - she relies on meld and refraction, she cant go invisible while netted
            - Wraith King - just mirco meepo he is trying to focus, he is slow as fcuk
            - Alchemist - same like with wk
            - Anti-Mage - net prevents from blinking
            - QuoP - net prevents blink
            - Clinkz, Bounty Hunter - net prevents going invi
            - High mobile heroes like Spirit Breaker, Night Stalker, Dark seer, Razor - net + geostrike is a counter
            - Undying - u destroy Tombstone in 1 second
            - Phoenix - u can destroy egg ez even under his w spell
            - Support, nukers that lack escape mechanisms - Silencer, Necro, Zeus,
            - heroes that rely on chanelling spells like Pudge, Crystal Maiden - net prevents it

            When not to pick Meepo:
            - n1 Sven
            - n2 Ember
            - n3 Axe
            - Earth Shaker
            - Whitch Doctor
            - Lich
            - Phantom Assasin - Evasion + bkb
            - Timbersaw
            - Ursa, Sand Kink, and CK might be tricky to play against

            Meepo has time window and your aim is to end the game by 35-45 min mark.

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              I suggest buying this set with Bandana on his mouth. Its much easier to last hit with this weapon than with weapon from Fnatic Set which is very small. Remember that your base attack dmg is 42.


                at 1k meepo can win with right clicks and nets
                dont skill poof and go for stats

                Óðinn H

                  buy bkb


                    Lex wut. I'm gonna try that out.


                      I dont think enemy carrys would be a problem in low mmr since they cant farm that fast. Blink poof combo is must and I think low mmr player can learn it by just practising. Go pt/bots agha blink. Poof combo enemies and take roshan. Get vladimir/manta/hex and go end game. Dont be too scared to jump with meepo, the hero is really strong and with aegies there shouldnt be a chance that enemies could kill you twice, unless you go dive fountain which you shouldnt do.


                        Hene i dont go for vlads anymore because i always separate my meepos so i can farm faster and also i am always the one that initiates because my teammates are often scared and yes i use blink poof and i only used it after my first 5 games on meepo and now i got like 59 games with meepo but i still consider myself noob because im at trash mmr...


                          i hate so much that people at 1k mmr are underestimated that they cant do a poof-blink combo..... Lex i use an immortal item on my meepo and i also use the badass set with a bandana and a key sword and sometimes i switch the bandana with an abraham lincoln hat


                            Remember that if u dont need Schyte and u are confident in netting enemies u can just go for 2 skadis build. Or E-blade + heart. But personally i never buy heart. Waste of a slot.


                              why eblade and heart instead of eblade and skadi.

                              im no meepo player but 25 extra agi seems better than 15 extra str, when your primary attribute is agility and you also have 4 other meepos gaining the agi.

                              looking at good meepo players they have way more than 495 gpm average. and meepo's a hero that snowballs so naturally you should be ahead of your enemies anyway, so get better at farming cos you need items to carry games.

                              your problem is that you don't hit buildings. in several of your games you have less than 1000 tower damage when you have 5 units that hit for 150 damage each. it's almost as if hitting buildings is an afterthought to you, you probably only do it when all 5 enemies are dead because theres nothing else to do. which would probably also explain your relatively low GPM for a meepo, because you tunnel vision too much looking for kills instead of just farming the entire map.

                              if you're 1k you can just split push the enemies. they probably wont carry tps and if they do, they'll react slowly anyway that you'll probably damage half the tower before they even start to tp in. plus they won't coordinate and go in 1 by 1 so you can just poof where the person is going to tp in anyway. also check the colour of the tp circle so you know who's tping.


                                Just buy a travel boots and go splitpush people at 1k can't play against it


                                  If you truly can play meepo better mechanically than your average 1K MMR player, than you probably are not pushing your advantage hard enough and you are not taking objectives. Meepo is really good at split pushing and punishing enemy teams for not paying attention to objectives.

                                  You can solo rosh(early with vlads) you can base race, you can rat, you can split push and you can fight 1v5. At 1K the opportunity to do all of these, especially take objectives, is HUGE. I promise you, just pushing towers when your team is fighting will win you so many more games than you think possible.

                                  HAHA, i was gonna watch your last meepo game but then I saw 261 tower damage and that tells me everything I need to know as to why yo are losing. HIT BUILDINGS, that is how you win games.

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                                    And if you can't climb to 2k maybe you need more practice 400 games not enoght to play really good at meepo


                                      personally i prefer stacking diffusals - cheaper than skadi or eblade. each diffusal is 175 damage.

                                      Óðinn H

                                        buy bkb


                                          i just looked on ur meepo profile in ur dotabuff and u die way too much

                                          maybe thats the problem bcoz u give lots of gold when u die with a gold lead and an advantage


                                            also idk if someone else mentioned manta to you here but if you plan on pushing ur early farm to become a great advantage get it because its essentially a bkb that gives u an option to push faster

                                            and u can poof to ur illusions :D

                                            Óðinn H

                                              buy bkb on meepo it sgood


                                                To start with meepo isnt a hard carry. You definitely cant go super late with him.
                                                The point of playing meepo is to get the advantage in xpm and gpm ahead of the enemy carries. Try to end the game around 35 40 min mark when meepo is quite strong.
                                                Always get aegis before going high ground push (i.e. barracks) and ask your team to stick with you while doing so.
                                                If you can get a pickoff then surely u can destroy the base easily with aegis.
                                                Btw I looked at your games and here is what I can tell you:
                                                1. You die a lot. Even if playing well with meepo, your position is that of a carry so prioritize tower damage and split pushing at both of which meepo excels. You dont win by killing heroes only, so dont clash if u think its better to push, destroy towers and farm up.
                                                2. You often get counter picked by aoe magical damage (QoP for eg.), or cleavers(Sven, Ember). Definitely avoid meepo in such situations. In such games you cant manfight the opponents. Best bet would be to split push and get ahead in gold and exp. Get rs go high ground.
                                                3. Coordinate with your team if possible. You will most possibly be outcarried if game goes superlate. Try to end before the enemy starts getting ahead of you and you will be fine.
                                                4. Your item choice is fine but sometimes you can get some situational items. (Pipe, mek, etc. for eg.)
                                                5. Keep playing meepo. You ll just get better at it as time passes.

                                                Will definitely appreciate some feedback.

                                                Óðinn H

                                                  buy bkb