General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to reach normal skill ? pls help guys

How to reach normal skill ? pls help guys in General Discussion

    whats the average gpm, expm,kda to get into normal skill you guyssssssss?

    please help


      another idiot who wants to escape the trench and get high mmr on his smurf
      fucking 4Head


        :D :D :D tinkatonkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


          been playing on 5.1-5.5k trench for a long time you guys but i realized people are so shieettt

          so i want to get into normal skill and enjoy the games while getting blademail on PA as first item



            i swear that when i played in 3k, the game was much more enjoyable


              people are calling eachother trash or retards :D at least at 2k mmr ive played from a friends account:D

              dazzle mid carry :D:::D:D:D:D

              Disposable Hero

                in the low mmr its mostly idiots who sort of know what to do warding rosh and pushing wise, none even know what a smoke is unless your above 3k. its difficult to get out of the trench mmr fast unless you completely stomp every game since theirs always at least 1 person on each team that feeds from the laning phase.


                  thanks for the info man hope one day we can get matched up on normal skill


                    thats actaully rather hard i guess

                    Disposable Hero



                        hey fyyq, look at my first matches pages.

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                          You have to start up a smurf, play a limited hero pool match so you can feed/get no cs etc. Then start queuing normals and don't get any last hits, or kills or assists. I find it's more useful to just be afk than to outright feed though. If you start feeding the enemy get overconfident and I guarantee they will start overextending and just end up feeding a killing spree back to your own team. I've tried feeding the enemy rapiers, wards, gems etc and 20+ kills and you'll still end up with your team winning. Afking, preferably as riki so you can just soak exp is the best way to ensure a steady average gpm of 200. You can pick jungle necrophos and farm a shadow amulet, but there is also the chance that you will be found out, or die to aghs refresher zeus or something like that and then you end up getting the abandon and sent to low prio so afk riki is a safer bet.

                          Miku Plays

                            u need to play cliff troll warlord to get noraml skiilll

                            Tu tayta

                              Just borrow megapenis account, easy.


                                < ceRTifieD NRML SKILL pLAYUH


                                  Fyyq I tell you how to get into normal skill. You tell me how to get VHS Deal?

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                                    I'm going to have to go with the guy who said borrow the megapenis account. ^^

                                    D the Superior
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                                        Hi Op- just git gud mate. Roflmao.


                                          just Git Bad