General Discussion

General DiscussionKreygasm

Kreygasm in General Discussion
{|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

    Hi guys, im a 1.5k scrub and tried to leave dota for good. But from time to time I get a really good game, the fucking kreygasm make me not to leave dota.Just in last days I had
    1. A base race where we were down hard, but tiny dominate a creep and tp to creep with Arc Warden with necro and 3 divine rapiers. We win at 2 sec difference.Even PA said the victory was unworthy rofl.
    2. A 30k exp advantage for the enemy team (no idea the net but im sure it was also huge), damn that felt good.
    3 Another 30k exp advantage for the enemy team, we were 2 rax down and we were losing team fights hard. then we start owning them in team fights after some crucial pick ups.
    Conclusion is that the biggest kreygasm was gave by the Arc Warden 3 rapiers rase base. So the rat is the shit. Feels so good to rat.

    plz do

      try better next time?

      {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

        Yeah I would prefer to spend more times with my gf and my friends, maybe making a better life for me, getting more moneys, then to stay and play a fucking game like a nerd.
        I wish all of you to be happy, to have a wonderfull girl that to be in love with you, loyal friends, a good job and a very nice life full of success.
        For all the trolls and badasses from here, for all the cocky morons, I wish you guys to get to 6k instead.


          lol salty

          tbh i run my own company and hire 30 man. English is not even my native languange. So your arguments are invailid, cos u dont know people.

          You are like:
          "Im 1.5k scrub so im gonna call higher mmr guys nerds or no-lifes." - It doesnt work that way. U wont boost your ego that ez. U're just bad at learning the game, and u should admit it. My friend who cant last hit and play 2 heros (lich and undying) is 2.2 k.


            @black ninja
            some of the ppl who might troll u here are already 6k

            {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

              That's not that bad tbh, thats pretty awesome. But not to be 6k and not having a life is very bad. If u can be 6k and have a life that's fucking amazing.
              You rage way to ugly for not getting touch but what you think I wanted to say. After that way you rage, if u own your own company and have 30 men working for you, then I'm the fucking Pope.


                Im not raging lol :D Im just making fun of u. U cant boost your ego by calling people no-lifes while it doesnt have to be true. U just create artificial arguments to justify your lack of talent for the game.

                1 more thing. Hi Pope, nice to meet you :D

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                  The truth is, even S4 and n0tail admitted it, you get gud just by playing at lest 12 games a day. And only a no lifer can do that. Now when no life gets u to pro-scene and gets u to win money and travel the world, that's a different story altogether.


                    ^ Yep thats truth if u wanna be 6k or higher. But if u are happy with 5k, 3-4 games a day is enough.