General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp...Party MMR

Help...Party MMR in General Discussion

    I recently made this account and haven't played a single party game...right now my party mmr is TBD,I wanted to know that if i party up with a 4.5k-5k player will i get in the same avg as the 5k player? And is anyone willing to play with me? :) Thanks




        It depends on how good will you play. And i heard that top mmr you can get from calibration is around 4.5k.


          Top is more like 4999, since I calibrated for both party and solo 4.5k.

          if you can perform on that level, yes, you will get around 4.5k if you que with them.

          However, since you are mostly in high skill bracket, chances that you'll perform decently are not that high.

          Also, keep in mind that your party MMR is also going to start from your Unranked MM, so if you're, let's say. 3.5k unranked, regardless of going in the same boat with 4.5k-5k players, you will not calibrate 4k+, but you'll drop average MMR because of your initialy low unranked, so instead of having average of 4.3k, for example, you'll get into 3.7k average and if you perform good(high hero dmg, xpm/gpm/td/etc), you'll progress futher.

          If you perform decent or below average, chances that you'll calibrate higher than 3.6k are small, because regardless of playing with 5k MMR, system won't give you 5k mmr, because average MMR of that match won't be 4k+.

          I hope I helped.


            @Shred can u help me in party? couch me or something...Im so eager to go into the vhs bracket...see my last vhs game look at the trax man...Even 4k is good enough for me :(


              it doesnt matter who you play with


                You literally play every hero I can't play, so I doubt I can give you some tips.

                If you care playing Shadow Fiend or Slark, I might be able to help you on that, since I got a lot of games on SF on my main and I'm decent Slark aswell.

                You can add me if you want.

                I can help you in party, I don't mind, my party MMR is around 4.2 on this account, but as I said, we'll make average of 3.5 or something like that, so let's say you underperform first 5 games, and perform decent at next 5 games, you'll end up 3.5.

                So if you want to get even flat 4k, you have to literally carry my ass with highest stats in 3.5k average, so next time we que system will place you @ 100-200 MMR ahead of 3.5k.

                Eventually you'll calibrate around low 4k or flat 4k, but you have to literally carry me or have sick stats.


                  Im limited can you add me? :) 321841659
                  and btw tell me u got into the vhs bracket after ur first game and stayed there...
                  Tell me somethings so i can maintain vhs thanks again...yeah ill like low 4k or flat 4k :P and btw u play in sea?


                    I can't do that, since I'm also limited account. XD You can add me on my main:


                    Well it was 3 months ago, so I can't really really remember exactly, but I didn't really abused anything.

                    I had over 950+ games in VHS on my main, back when I started to smurf I was 3.5k-3.8-4k player on my main, so playing in VHS came just naturally for me.

                    System placed me first game in High Skill, I remember sellecting that I played Dota before.

                    I ended up with highest stats for everything, and system placed me at @ vhs.

                    Since unranked games are easier than ranked ones, it's also easier to climb VHS on unranked if you're somewhat legit VHS player in the first place.

                    Since I played a lot of Shadow Fiend and Slark, it wasn't that hard to get highest HD/TD/GPM/XPM/ETC and just snowball the high skill unranked.

                    Later on I remember playing Ursa/Jugg/Slark/SF and few mores, I think QoP? Basically all you have to do is to play decent and you'll stay in VHS.

                    You don't even have to play consitently good.

                    It gets tricky when you start to calibrate your MMR, since in order to maintain current or climb higher, you have to literally play on that level or above that level if you want to go up.

                    My ranked started at 4.2k, and I ended up at 4451, but in the process I had 18-0 SF and 12-0 QoP if I can remember, so it helped a lot.


                      I cant maintain that...I need to improve

                      Meat Spinner

                        @Shred you to bits
                        Can u give me soms tips to crack 4k ? Does gpm on every match is only criteria to decide mmr ? Have u ever fed like hell and still was on vhs ? And being vhs at every normal match assures getting placed in vhs in ranked too ? u wont blv my friend of 2.9k mmr just yesterday calibrated at 4130 mmr he too was on vhs every game ! Thanks

                        Meat Spinner
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                          Meat Spinner
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                              @ Scarecrow

                              I don't know what else I can say apart from things I already did. Basically play like a 4k and you'll end up there, nothing else to say.

                              " Does gpm on every match is only criteria to decide mmr ?"

                              It's mix of various things depending on what you play. GPM is one of them probably.

                              " Have u ever fed like hell and still was on vhs ?"

                              Yes I did.

                              But you have to make it up in next few games to make sure you stay in VHS:


                              Hopefully you get an idea what it takes to maintain VHS now.

                              " And being vhs at every normal match assures getting placed in vhs in ranked too ?"

                              Well yes, since if you maintain VHS your starting MMR cant' be lower than 3.7k, and if you're not on boarder(shifting between hs/vhs), you'll probably start off even higher.

                              From there you just play as good as you can and end up with high stats and that's it.

                              "u wont blv my friend of 2.9k mmr just yesterday calibrated at 4130 mmr he too was on vhs every game ! Thanks"

                              Well maybe he played like 4.1k, but then again, even if he did not abuse anything, keep in mind he needs to play at least @ 20-30 games after calibration to see and feel the 4.1k.

                              Differnce between 2.9 and 4.1 is huge tbh

                              Meat Spinner

                                Thanks mate uve got very good attitude ! Keep it up !:-)
                                Last question.. I love playing invo too much ! If my stats arent that much good t but if every match is in vhs till calibration starts ! Would I be matchmaking with 3.7k+ guys ? And for before calibration gamesI ve heard winning/losing doesnt matter to drop or gain skill level , u just have to play ur role decently ! is it true ?


                                  Scare scrow...
                                  Fuck i love it also but i cant get vhs :(


                                    @ Scarecrow, looking at your last few games of Invoker, you're not having highest hero dmg/GPM/XPM.

                                    I can't tell you for sure if it'll be enough or it wont, but if you lose the game during calibration game and don't have highest stats, it can drop you even 100-200 MMR below your first match.

                                    So next time you play, for example, you'll end up at 3.9k instead of 4.1k just because you lost with low statistics.

                                    Then again, if you win and end up with 1st or 2nd stats, it'll be enough to either keep you at that mmr for next match, or boost you for next one 100 mmr higher.

                                    Few examples:


                                    After those 3 matches my MMR increased for next one during calibration, but I ended up with really good stats.

                                    If you can't get close to that with Invoker, it means you might drop below your starting calibration MMR or stuck for next 9 matches and calibrate eventually close to flat 4k/high 3k.

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                                      So to answer your question, no one knows what really counts 100%, but it's probably mix of everything.

                                      KDA, GPM, XPM, HD, TD, CS, HH, etc.

                                      Meat Spinner
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                                          Um, I already answered.


                                            @Shred man i just cant reach vhs...when i reach it i lose it cuz of my team mates but i perform good with 500 gpm and 550 xpm and a decent kda :( tell me some heroes to get into vhs

                                            Meat Spinner

                                              @pain zeus, alche, jugg !


                                                damn...Midlane? :P

                                                Meat Spinner

                                                  Any lane man ! I will guide u to VHS dnt worry ! For now I m off for dota for 2 days I played dota even I dint want to play ! That gameplay made me sick ! Just abandoned last gams ! I think road to normal skill xD

                                                  Meat Spinner
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                                                    Meat Spinner
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                                                      DONT TEST ME

                                                        Shred u to bits i can add u we queue together ? I am 3k85 solo but party i didnt play much so 3k3 cuz i mostly ranked solo no one party to queue with . I play on sea usually either solo supp or i go carries

                                                        Paid actor

                                                          why would some1 care for party mmr, 90% of the time wont show anything about ur personal skill, will just show if u r able to carry friends that r worse than u, or u getting carried by them that r better. Unless u r off the same skill in which case i belive u can have tons of fun and it can be called legit mmr.


                                                            Just wanna say, i was try this in calibrated. If u got highest gpm, xpm, kda ratio. Ur calibrated +200 but if u got lowest gpm, xpm, kda ur calibrated -350 until -400


                                                              That work when u play in TBD