General Discussion

General DiscussionThere are people who play Dota 2 for fun

There are people who play Dota 2 for fun in General Discussion

    Like, just as a pastime similar to tetris or candy crush?

    Realize that not everybody who plays dota 2 is in it to become the highest mmr, some people play it just as a pastime, an escape from the expectations of school, work, etc.

    You know, as a game.

    Just like chess. Some people play to become tournament grandmasters.

    Other people play just for fun and to make friends.

    Both types of players should be respected.


      Dota is a competitive game by nature. We all play it "for fun", but saying "omfg stop being a tryhard, I play it for fun" is stupid. CoD is a casual game which you Play for fun, CSGO is competitive, so you should try your best to win, same with Dota, really.

      Riguma Borusu

        There's a difference between playing for fun and actively ruining other people's games by not pushing, being useless, not building to be able to fight, etc. You "help" your team lose the game because your playstyle forces that to happen most games, that might be fun for you, but have you considered how your teammates feel?

        A. Snatcher

          I play for fun when I have time.
          I suck at the game.
          I like to win though.
          I take any advice that more experienced players offer me.
          I play for fun and listen to advice.

          Paid actor

            I cant see whats wrong with playing for fun, u r playing Normal matchmaking on the bottom of the mmr Ladder where every1 is bad and no way in hell can he be considered game ruin coz there the game is actually ruined itself, u aint killin any1 or flaming or bashing, and u are doing what u thinks is right with no ulterior motive behind it.

            If u enjoy to play the game the way that u do, by all means have ur fun anyway u like it, i would just advice to not bother with threads about it and asking ppls opinions coz u know every1 around here is on their way to 9k its just that the only thing keepin us appart is uncle gaben shittin on our games and matching us with "bad teammates".


              I love dota but i still try to win, just like mos other dota players. Building eblade dagon natures prophet is still fun as hell though!

              Livin' Real Good

                It's a competitive game by nature honestly, cause you can't win when you have a trash Riki feeding 0-15 like you can in CoD. When people play CoD, wins don't matter, it's all about kills, when people play fighting games, they'll just stomp you, realize you suck, then just kick you out of the lobby 5 minutes later to find a better challenge, but in Dota? It's like 1 hour of torment. It's not any fun dying, then respawning to a super fed enemy team (fed by you) and just getting mowed over and over, or winning all early game (despite having a noob Riki like you, just an example) just to have you not push with us, or do something useful that results in us losing late anyways.

                It's just the nature, archtype and culture of the game of dota that doesn't allow you to be a casual player, and if you haven't realized that by now (I say this with respect and no hostility) you should definitely try playing something else, maybe Call of Duty, GTA V online, maybe an MMO?

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  fucking casuals :horse:

                  The Laughing Man

                    this is like asking if people play the Souls games to relax :P

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      @ That Ain't Fiasco point out a game where I go 0/15 while the rest of the team is doing well. The only games I go 0/15 in are games where the whole team is going 0/15

                      But I reserve the right to build in the way I consider fun and to play heroes I consider fun.

                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                      Riguma Borusu

                        "point out a game where I go 0/15 while the rest of the team is doing well. The only games I go 0/15 in are games where the whole team is going 0/15"

                        You're still useless and you really do nothing to help your teammates win the game, everything you do is counterproductive.

                        "But I reserve the right to build in the way I consider fun and to play heroes I consider fun."

                        Sure, but stop bitching or trying to argue anything then, and accept fucking reports for ruining games because even at 300 MMR people want to learn to play and win.

                        Pale Mannie

                          Play to win

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            I always try my best to win, but still have fun while doing it.

                            I'll build items I consider fun to build, and as I mentioned in my other thread, there is no fucking report option for that because that's not a reportable offense.

                            Especially in fricking unranked games where the goal is to have fun. Don't want casuals in your game? Then play fricking ranked where everyone shares the same ideals as you (or should, I believe ranked should really be competitive). But unranked is where we play and we'll play what we want to have fun.

                            There's like 2 options for a reason guys.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              If you play for fun I don't give a fuck. But when I ask you to do simple ass shit don't ignore it like a useless retard.

                              People who play for fun should respect those trying to win because we obviously take the game more serious.

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                There's a reason there's 2 queue options: ranked and unranked.

                                Serious? You want to counter build, counterpick, build only the most effiicient items? Go to ranked.

                                Playing for fun and like to play whatever is currently fun to you? play unranked.

                                That way everyone in the game is aware of the purposes of other players.


                                  i'm honestly baffled by the concept of 'fun'

                                  are there really people who think it's fun to pick riki every single game and play running around like a headless chicken doing absolutely jack shit during the whole game
                                  im sorry but playing a teamgame with a drunken 5 year old monkey is not fun


                                    attention ***** detected

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Yeah, this guy is literally a mental case, the "I always try my best to win" baffles me, because he knows he only wins 32% games with his stupid shit, and then he decides to not try to improve at all and do proper builds, but then he says he's always trying his best to win.


                                      I can say I am not always trying my best to win, cause sometimes I pick a hero against its counter, but what you're saying and doing is so fucking absurd it's hard to grasp.

                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!



                                          Come at me and you will suffer a "cardiac arrest", Riki.

                                          U wot m8?

                                            its impossible! this game is competitive as fuck !

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              Whats happening in this thread 😨

                                              Yo OP, listen man, at d end of d day u do wat u have to do, probably try to do fun do anything stuff in unranked? and do fun trying to win stuff in ranked :]

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                @Bad Intentions, yes, of course it's unranked. I understand that ranked is competitive and I respect that. But unranked should be for trying fun builds, and fun heroes.


                                                  who gives a shit. earn yourself a respect point when you throw in ranked in the form of report


                                                    My favorite part of Dota is the challenge. I try hard and have fun win or loss. Dota is hard, and doing well for yourself is something to be proud of.


                                                      I can agree that unranked is for fun crazy games and ranked is for competitive and serious plays, at least in theorie, cose in reality many idiots get things mixed around.


                                                        guys op is at wrong fucking mmr.


                                                          Normal matchmaking is for fun..Ranked matches are to to played seriously and ofcourse with a winning mentality..xd