General Discussion

General DiscussionChat Wheel spamming

Chat Wheel spamming in General Discussion

    Like seriously? Why can you spam >Well played! after some1 died, when you have a chat mute(or however it is called), or spam the other ping which is like Ctrl+Alt+Left click or so? I don't understand why that is. Or a tiny who spammed Good Game Well Played at least 10 Times in chat. Why? Makes no sense to me. Opinion or Reasoning why Volvo does that?


      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played
      > Good game, well played


        > Good game, well played

        D the Superior
          Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
          Pale Mannie

            >Get back!
            >Get back!
            >Get back!
            >Get back!
            >Get back!
            >Get back!
            >Get back!
            >Get back!
            >Get back!
            >Get back!


              >All Enemy Heroes Missing!
              >Well Played!

              Livin' Real Good

                I used to spam well played alot, but kept getting reported, cause they'd all unite against me, and say " what an asshole. "Despite them playing reallyyyyyyy bad.

                Get back! Is the one I usually spam now, but half they time they die anyways, so I dunno.

                I also don't spam " we need wards "anymore cause then that only person who is supporting (he's also doing a shit job at it by the way) will get mad, and stop supporting all together.

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  >That just happened

                  >Space created

                  Pale Mannie

                    I am low HP:
                    > Heal
                    > Heal
                    > Heal
                    > Heal
                    > Heal
                    > Heal
                    > Heal
                    > Heal
                    > Heal
                    *doesnt heal me*
                    What an asshole

                    Pale Mannie
