General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you have to be Doto-addict to play good ?

Do you have to be Doto-addict to play good ? in General Discussion

    Is it worth playing this game ? IMO its not like riding a bike.

    Recently I've noticed that when I make a break from the game for a couple of days and then get back to it, there is a problem. My gameplay is not that good, i dont feel so confident, miss some last hits, dont have such a good map awerness and eventually lose 4 games in a row.

    After that it takes me like 3 days of playing and eating only to regain my mmr and start grinding again. Especially when it comes to play meepo. I feel like when i take a break i have to learn him almost again.

    Now i spent whole weekend playing dota, finding myself out of real life, skipping gym. But guess what i started to carry my ass up again in middle 4k bracket. If i countinue to play 6-10 games a day i will surely reach 5k in no time. But is really worth ? Maybe i would even reach 6k if i quit my job lol.

    Is it worth to be a DOTA addict to get some 5-6 k e-penis and show off on forum, where no one cares about it but me ?
    Cos to play this game good u have to play that 6-10 games a day, and theres no other way. U cant be playing 2 games a day and have 6 k mmr. Its impossible.

    So .. Are higher mmrs only for addicts with not much perspectives for life ? Is is worth wasting so much time cos i know i waste it, instead of learning languages for example.

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      not really, you can play dotes and be a really good player and also have some kind of social life (if that's what you're referring to)
      people are just able to do some things that other people cannot, simply as that

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        I have social life, some friends, nice gf and good stable job. But i know if i would like to get better i would have to spend all my freetime on playing dota and become a total nerd. I just dont find any goal in it. Many people want to have 6k just to have 6k. And then what ? Work in Wallmart ?

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          > finding myself out of real life, skipping gym

          never do this, it's game, mmr is a meaningless fucking number
          we can climb to 6k, and then what?
          it's ok playing the game for fun but neglecting life to play 10+ games a day is really retarded IMO

          and for improving playing 3-4 games a day with brain is enough
          however getting good at this game is not worth the time and effort imho

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            well I have made money from this game and I know I have a shot at becoming even better and maybe get to the next level so in my case it's worth spending time on it but if you realise that you have no shot at achieving that then obviously that it's not worth it
            it works similar to everything in life, if you don't put effort into it you won't get anywhere, just play for fun


              I dunno i went like 3 weeks without playing and came back and played just fine in fact I pwned... then again I've been playing for years

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                ^There is no goal in getting good at Dota. You have pretty much answered your own question. You need to invest a lot of time on a consistent basis and actively learn new things. Its almost like taking a class in college, but you cannot get any irl benefit from it. Anyone who says otherwise will some day come to the same realization themselves. Half of the kids here telling you to keep practicing to hit that 6k are still in school and dont really know anything about the real world where dota means fuck all to like 99.9% of people you interact with on a daily basis. The only reason to keep playing Dota is because you enjoy playing it, not for climbing MMR.

                Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                  Life has no meaning, the only meaning it has is the one you want to have


                    ^^^^^ agree 100% its for fun if you dont have fun getting better at your own pace then just quit


                      ^ Yeah but acutally playing ranked isnt That fun. Only carring your team is fun, but amount of shitstorm in 4-5k bracket is outrageous.

                      EDIT: Maybe im jsut getting depressed about this 4-5k bracket. People here are just ... I havent used mute button so often so far. Im losing fun in the game.

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                        IM not reading that shit but its kinda obvious u need practice to be good in every game , also u can be good earlier if u focus on learning one op hero like od , meepo , invoker , earth spirit , ...


                          ^ If you;re not reading then dont post. Simple as that.

                          < blank >

                            Meepo is an op hero? EleGiggle


                              meepo is op in losing games

