General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone else think that Faceless Void should be reverted to having Bac...

Anyone else think that Faceless Void should be reverted to having Backtrack back? in General Discussion

    I liked Void as a Hard Carry personally. For an initiator, he works I suppose. But what's the fun of playing him that way?


      they are turning dota into trash lol, better quit now

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        Miku Plays

          i like to build manta diffusal on void, rekts dusa hard

          Livin' Real Good

            Hmm, maybe give him 5 skills, everything he has now, plus back track as his D (5th skill) that would be amazing, but he'd definitely be a slippery motherfucer.


              As a carry he was a stomp or dump, love or hate, now he is neutral, I like him more now.


                nerfing void is not the end of the world. use other heroes like io, oracle, techies, etc. problem solved.


                  no it was a bullshit skill. i like that its got an element of skill now


                    which element from the table?

                    Dire Wolf

                      He blink range blows, and the animation still blows. If they could just fix his blink he might be good, he might actually farm well too cus his base dmg is really high, if you could go battlefury and blink around map farming he could be like poor man's AM with chrono.

                      waku waku

                        i still try to play void the old way and fail every time

                        Dire Wolf

                          yeah it just doesn't work, he is too squishy and it's not a farming meta anymore so if you go farm items mjollnir or battelfury the enemy team is pushing your rax by the time you get them.

                          Honestly think treads, vlads, s&y, aghs is the only way to play him now and be a utility guy.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          Miku Plays


                            Pale Mannie

                              He can be a good initiator and a good carry when he has bash merged with backtrack with a lower proc chance like 20% at max lvl


                                time dilation is the most annoying skill in dota


                                  Idk what the fuck OSFrog wanted FV to be, but I guess he should be an initiator of some kind now. Problem is: Chrono. It fucks up your team too, so maybe change that chrono to something that does not fuck up teammates. I think he would be a legit initator then, like say Enigma or Tide.

                                  I remembered to keep my post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of Conduct

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                                  Venus, MBA

                                    A hard carry shouldn't have such big ultimates like chronosphere. Heroes that have them don't scale really well to balance it out, like enigma, tide, and Es. I like this new offlane initiator void, as it lets him bring more to the table other than a right clicker with an ulti that will sometimes help your team.


                                      As a void player i hate into what they've turned him, so fuck them.


                                        Yeah honestly if he is meant to be this offlaner initiator type void then at least go all the way and rework his bash into some sort of non-hard carry type skill which fits into the 'time' theme, idk maybe some sort of attack speed slow aura (like a reverse beastmaster). As it is he's designed to be built semi-tanky/utility but has a hard carry skill which scales with attack speed but no way of supporting a mask of madness/mjollnir build because he has no survivability if he isn't built tanky.

                                        House Cat

                                          hehehe backtrack back


                                            try backing track instead or backmask. seriously, there are 100+heroes, stop sitting on void's lap


                                              Void is 1000 times better this way, enough said :))


                                                Void is good.


                                                  Void takes an ounce of skill now


                                                    I love the new void. Watch Waga play him and learn . He is basically impossible to kill. Go look at wagas dotabuff and see how he plays void. Or watch his twitch .


                                                      Yea revert him to backtrack where he can dodge 10 lagunas in a row with just a fucking skill point in backtrack.


                                                        i think no, play void now so colorfull