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General DiscussionNeed a hero to 1v9 ideas?

Need a hero to 1v9 ideas? in General Discussion

    need a hero to 1v9 to get out of the shit tier any ideas?

    Pale Mannie



        Since you've already failed with OD...yeah, what the guy above said.


          if you can't win with OD then there is no hope.


            u cant 1v9 while not being better than the other players, i think. dont let the thoughts like "my teammates hold me back", "im in hidden pool" etc. invade ur mind. this knd of mentality actually doesnt let you improve. u need to accept your poor skills and find a way to improve urself.


              You have nice winrate on necrophos, spam it and hope for the best.

              < blank >

                Pusi kurac


                  talking about od , i feel really sad for players i will play with in solo que now , I never played the hero but tried him once in solo and got my first rampage in a long time :D
                  i think i will pick him a bit more often hoping i can get into upper 4k with it :D. but willl take me around 150-30 matches :(


                    I have 71% winrate with Necro, one of the only hero I good at. CHI Long Qua mentioned that what defined between pro players and average players are that pro players always play their role every games.

                    Like support always play support.
                    Carry always play a carry.
                    Like in soccer you won't see a midfielder play this week and become a goalkeeper next week.

                    In 100 games, players who play20 games play as support, 20 games play as carry, 20 games as midlaner, 20 games as jungler, 20 games as offlaner will always behind player who play 100 games as heavy support for example. I think it's true I play Necro offlane often and I have 71% winrate with him in 50+ games. When I choose different heroes in every game I always have hard game. I opened a thread that confirms this notion.

                    Use the hero often, some people always pick support. Guess what, it amplifies my notion above, and yes it is easier to pick supp in public games because everybody always wants a core hero role.


                      Zeus is literally 1v9 hero (later 1v7) -

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        ^ Thats not 1v9, thats' like 1v3 because everyone else disconnected based on the levels.

                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!
                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            Hey look its 33% Riki again giving more advice to people.


                              lc and keep spamming your 1st skill. ez 1v9 win


                                I was gonna say OD but apparently you can't abuse his broken state, so... i think you're SOL.

                                Bad Intentions

                                  Dig deep OP and find the origins of the term 'Rampage' then you'll find the answer :]


                                    Meepo is good 1v9

                                    Here's the proof: