General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen is Venomancer a good pick up and how should he be played

When is Venomancer a good pick up and how should he be played in General Discussion

    Been playing some Veno lately, realizing I have only lost 1 game back when i first played . But how should you level his skill, I normally max the gale first, along with poison sting.

    When is a good idea (if it is) to level the wards up early. Gale seems to strong early since you wont have BKB at level 7.

    Also what should i pick up instead of what i normally get


      max wards first, 1 into gale for the slow not the damage. ult at 6 is optional since it's expensive as fuck for mana so you may not have enough to cast it anyway after gale and some wards esp without arcanes.

      maxing gale is far less reliable and it doesn't help you farm nearly as fast as with wards, and wards allow you to harass much better since the mana cost is so low, which you can't do with gale.


        what about dat poison sting ting


          Even at 3k I still do really good.


            Veno works well with AA, zombie and probably SS.
            Veno is also good vs TA.
            This is it. Very situational hero.

            P.S. But in normal skill - everything works.

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              That's why i was wondering when i Climb abit more how should he be played

              Miku Plays

                max gale sting is best build, wards for nobs


                  Why would you not upgrade your boots in half your games OP?


                    cancer is always a good pick


                      You definitely want to be pushing, and wards help with that.

                      Wards also help in helping you farm the jungle/stacks/creeps/ancients, something that gale doesn't really offer. You can get your key items faster with that and the utility of gale level 1 is usually good enough to get a kill with another hero


                        @Dominus i normally do but i swap arcane for octarine and I won the game at that piont


                          Aghs +veil of discord is my favourite build for veno ...destroy ppl in team fights 4head


                            Try getting early Tranquils which help greatly for survivability in lane, or if your team needs it get Arcanas. You're not really swapping boot upgrade for Octarine because the build up for the latter is far longer while the boots upgrade can be done in 5 mins. I would never skip the upgrade, especially on this hero.

                            Bad Intentions

                              Im not sure if my advice is credible since im not dat high in the veno rankings but venos job is to harass the shit out of the enemy carry amd xtend dat game till ur carry gets his items, max plague ward defense style :]

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                                I'm still going, haven't lost yet. to much cancer


                                  Not many dual lanes can cope with max wards+sting from a solo offlane veno (assuming you don't get zoned out)

                                  You don't really have the mana for gale imno

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    If you get Arcanes, get Mek and GG after, otherwise it's pointless. If you don't, get treads/tranquils into Veil/Solar Crest and then Aghs.


                                      The first instance of poison sting is done instantly on hit. So it kinda works like bonus damage for yourself and wards.
                                      IMO a good build would be to get 1-2-0 into 1-2-2 into 1-4-2 (skip ult). Level 1 ward dies in 2 hits but level 2 is already much tankier and sting damage over time is insane.

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                                        I've found that Gale has more potential to kill early on, whilst wards and sting provide harass and push.

                                        Teamwork is the key

                                          When there is a Juggernaut in your team and you need a support for him. Ez first blood gale+spin to win combo. I do like to max gale(475 damage bro counting normal magic resistance) and poison sting but the it depends on the team. You need to push 1-1-3-1 for that, teamfight are coming 3-1-1-1, just need to harass the laner but no killing potential 1-2-3-0.
                                          The items depends too,euls is a nice one, the hardest counter for Veno is just tp the shit out.
                                          Anyway a cheap supporting build can be meka,arcane boots,veil,aquila,euls. Mana won't be a problem with veil and euls and you can keep spam cancer along the map


                                            ong bad intentions is 25tg in veno rankings omg

                                            Teamwork is the key

                                              A good advice would be to rotate and go other lane for ez kill, if the enemy mid has no escape mechanism just gale and ez kill(qop will just blink,invoker will go invisible but dust just fuck him more). Everything is situational.
                                              Please don't be the blink suicide veno,you can blink and ulti but your ulti is non-lethal so unless a Zeus or Spectre are in your team they will just walk away with 1hp


                                                Sigh i lost, at least i lost at a mmr 1200 higher. I thought i did alright, we had shocking team picks tbh

                                                Bad Intentions


                                                  lol, maybe the rankings are really bugged eh? :D


                                                    you only need a good winrate and top 25 at 4k mmr ^

                                                    lm ao

                                                      Hi I'm pinoy im pretty sure im stupid like 100% of us are


                                                        rankings are so stupid at the moment - great idea but bad implementation :) #1 veno got all his wins back in 6.7x - how is that relevant as to who the best veno player is now when D has hardly touched the hero in 2yrs?

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          ^ignore the pro division :D