General Discussion

General Discussiondumbasses?

dumbasses? in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    how do i get matched up with people who have played like 3000 games... and pick like absolute shit.. or just have no idea what they are doing...

    Lets put my last game for example... I had a lich, zeus, and a lone druid.. If you had a brain you would have a support lich and zeus and a offlane lone lune druid. Instead I had a offlane lich.. who fed obviously... a jungling lone druid.. and a solo support zeus.. lets also keep in mind that this zeus picked last.. obviously dumbass. i honestly don't get it.. its like these people enjoy showing others how stupid they are. so why even play? cause that surely isn't fun. losing isn't fun.

    I would accept losing if my team actually picked well, laned out well, and actually tried to give the team the best chance of winning. but all my losses are due to either shit picks, laning terribly, or just having dumbasses on my team who have no idea what they are doing. like i primarily play hard carries because more often than not if i support one they farm like shit, or they just have no map awareness and they just feed. This doesn't mean I don't know how to support, in actual fact, I like supporting. I just hate having to support retarded people. But even when I carry i have a typical roaming support.. who would just sit in lane pull all day and just sap xp.. and it just ticks me off.

    Its like I'm playing with people who honestly don't know how to use their brain. like this game is partially skill obviously, but its mostly a game where you use your brain and be strategic. right... I am lost for words how many dumbasses i encounter on this game


      it only means that on average u r just as bad ad these people

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        Bad Intentions

          Omg dat last slark game :O how did dat happen man :O


            carry harder my man

            Granite Lee

              i laned against the lycan. can't do anything because the zeus offers no kill potential without xp. lol im not bad. you do realize its a 5 player game and to some extent its takes 5 players to win. like if your team doesn't know how to stun you will definitely lose. that game i gave up obviously. There was no way I could do anything against a free farming lycan, np, and jugg. its not possible and don't even think that it is

              like yea one person can sometimes carry the team but more often than not it isn't possible. behind every great core there is often a great support. I know, because when i support and I help my mid player. it allows him/her to snowball out of control and yes he will take the credit because of his score but who was the one who set him up for so many kills? yes me.

              Any slark player would not win that game. There is like a 99.9% percent chance you will lose. if you get 3 retards on your team. who just offer nothing to the team. because that game you had a free farming lycan, jugg, and np. and then their supports actually knew how to support. whereas my useless offlaner was just feeding the jugg.

              Its funny that you think that if i was a good player i could have won. yea no. 5 players with good coordination will always beat a team who picks terribly and who has no idea what they are doing in game.

              Granite Lee

                These people are not my skill level because they play terribly its like they have no concept of the game. Yes I have played with 6k players. They like me because I actually have a brain and know how to play this game.

                It's like any sport you play. would you like to play with people who don't understand the game? no. and dota is the same.


                  "to some extent its takes 5 players to win"

                  no it doesn't. it only does if you're not good enough to win games on your own. look at badman the spectre spammer. he almost reached 9k mmr because he mostly spams spectre and that hero can 1v5.

                  u see smurfs playing on lower ranked accounts and able to carry games solo cos they can punish mistakes that bad players make which allows them to snowball. if you can't consistently do that it's because you're not miles better than your teammates, you're about the same skill level as them.

                  Granite Lee

                    do you watch any of his games.. you will see half decent supports and people who don't pick terribly.

                    So you're saying that... I someone were to solo pick a spec and there team proceeds to feed and offer nothing to the team and they are playing against a decently coordinated team who knows how to shut down a spec early game the player who is playing spec can win against them. lol please you also have no idea.

                    There's only so much one player can do. one mistake of the other team doesn't make up for 10 mistakes from your team. so shut up

                    Granite Lee

                      I'm playing with people who have played like 3000+ games you would expect them to pick better heroes and understand the game. like I'm good but if I get useless players there is always only so much I can do considering I'm playing in "very high skilled" games I'm not expecting to play against or have bad players.

                      You cannot say that a solo player will tear your team apart if you play smart because it just wouldn't happen. please stop with the retardedness.

                      Teamwork is the key

                        Spectre is one of that carries that can't do anything agaist a dual lane if solo,like my last game I had a Doom supporting a Spectre in lane because the last guy that had to pick didn't want to support but wanted to go in offlane( I was Nyx and called offlane because Doom wanted to jungle).
                        Support are the best,just think about CM Lich Warlock ec ecc, they have all high win rate because they are good 5th position support,ofc that team will have an advantage against 5 carry team with no wards or courier
               Against a pudge,necro,furion Spectre just died 2 times thanks to my warding/dewarding and I smoke gank with LC for some duels,they had no supports at all and that was bad because lack of wards mean no good hook for pudge and free damage for lc

                        Granite Lee

                          the dota system is screwed. Like I have friends who play league and in league they have a system where before the game you say what position you want to play and if you pick against that basically people can report you. and it just makes sense whereas dota is just a like a free for all. its stupid.

                          See I when am forced to I will support. but I prefer playing hard carries in particular because I trust myself a lot more to actually get farm than other people. for example.. how can you expect to win a game when your am only has like 150 cs in 25 minutes.

                          Another example. I had a slark who had free farm because there was no one in his lane. goes for a treads, drums, sange and yasha build and doesn't do anything... he goes on to go like 2/14 and i honestly don't understand how he was so bad. He could have gotten like a 7 minute shadow blade into a skadi and wrecked but no.. I have major trust issues unless I stack

                          Teamwork is the key

                            Just play ranked all the time, pub just for when you tilt. I just play ranked,people are more aware of what are they doing because it costs points. When I play in the pub I just troll with Tusk or some stupid build. Play ranked and seeha what happens.
                            A thing that I personally hate is when we need for example a carry(wut?) or an hard carry when the team is made by non physical-damage dealer and the guy just pick always the same fucking Juggernaut when maybe there are no counter for a PL or Medusa and it would be gg because they will rekt the opponent after 30 minutes/late game.
                            Or for example when I see the enemy hard-carry are all weak piece of shit like PA/SNIPER and I pick Nyx and my normal mid game carry just farm,farm,farm but get out-carried because farmed too much and got outcarry by the 0/10/2 PA in the enemy team

                            Granite Lee

                              even when I have played ranked.. it has been even worse. like i remember on my other account. it calibrated at like 3.8k and is now at just above 3k. like im playing on this account hoping for a calibrated higher mmr hoping that it gives me better players in general.

                              I would accept losing if my team legit picked good heroes and always gave us a chance to win but that it never the case. The game is normally always decided in the picking phase. Either the other team picks like crap or my team does.

                              Miku Plays

                                Git gud at smurfing

                                Granite Lee
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                                  Granite Lee
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                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        I blame account sellers and account boosters.

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                                          Granite Lee

                                            lets take my last game for example. I had a support abaddon and a dazzle.. which were useless picks. it was the reason we lost.. Because we didn't have enough lockdown. These retards are the reason I lose games. There wasn't much more I could do. when the other team has an enigma, axe, and invoker. alll we needed was a tide or cent.. even in this game we didn't need the ursa. dazzle could have been ok. if we had an offensive minded support instead of another defensive one.

                                            You see I'm not the problem. retards on this game are the problem. Why are there so many? I will never know. These retards always fighting outside the base for no damn reason and always dying. honestly will never understand why retards play this game. because this game isn't for retards. and its time they learn

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                                              Granite Lee

                                                no im smart.. apparently in my games im the only one with a brain. and then I obviously get 3 or 4 retards who just have no idea how to play this game. Why am I playing with clueless people. idk obviously you're a pretty clueless person. is it fun to be known as a person who is clueless @asdfasfsaawef? cause that is sad


                                                  i laughed a bit too much at this post.

                                                  Granite Lee

                                                    too bad I can't have 5 of myself playing. because these games would be so damn easy.. but na valve decides to continually give me the most retarded people

                                                    Granite Lee

                                                      the amount of times I lose due to idiots on my team is ridiculous. its basically at 100% never lose becuase I get outplayed by the other team. its my own retarded team.. thanks valve


                                                        It looks like the enforced 50% winrate coming into play. Don't tell me it's not a real thing. As soon as you get a decent winning spree up you get matched with people on your team who are on 5-12 game losing sprees and include you in their tilt.

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          Sometimes u gotta be like Lebron James in dotes man :] sometimes u gotta be like Lebron :]

                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            Sometimes u gotta be like Lebron James in dotes man :] sometimes u gotta be like Lebron :]


                                                              Player with near 54% winrate calling forced 50% real


                                                                I actually think Murranji has a point. I've noticed this myself that whenever I'm on a winning streak, my allies are more likely to have losing streaks and whenever I'm on a losing streak, my allies are more likely to have winning streaks.

                                                                HOWEVER, I don't think this is unfair because I've also noticed that my allies with losing streaks often have higher MMR than me while my allies with winning streaks often have lower MMR than me. I think this is just Valve's way of adjusting your MMR by factoring in your mentality / streak. As long as you can control your emotions well enough to not let one match afffect the next, your winrate and MMR will remain healthy.

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                                                                  yeah people honestly need to let this sink in.

                                                                  if you're playing with people with losing streaks and you're on a winning streak THEN YOUR PEAK MMR = THEIR LOWEST MMR

                                                                  IT SORT OF INDIRECTLY TELLS YOU THAT YOU'RE FUCKING MILES APART FROM SAID PLAYERS cuz bro... your best = their worst leltopkek360noscope


                                                                    < 100 games complaining about how his team mates sucked. only one sentence, you are no better than your team mates. show your main account and mmr then we'll talk.