General Discussion

General DiscussionLong Post

Long Post in General Discussion

    When i first calibrated my mmr is 3.5k-ish, after a long rough hardship of 1 year, and always playing ranked matchmaking, i finally able to get to 4.2k - ish solo mmr and i'm really happy with the mmr i have right now, because everyone here, in my opinion is playing properly, and always trying to win by giving his all.

    I'm having a fun - close game most of the time because everyone is on the same skill and that is why even tough i lose some game at this bracket, i'm not mad at all because all 10 of us, 5 radiant and 5 dire giving our all.

    Unfortunately because of some accident, unintentionally, i have to abandon one of my ranked game this morning and ended up in 2 games of low prio

    Since i've never play normal game (or rarely only some casual game with my friend) my normal matchmaking might still be stuck at 3k - ish mmr hell

    Proven by my recent matches at 1 march 2016, check my single draft normal game, i hardly win any game even how hard i've been trying or how good i've been playing the game, there is always that one person in your team who's screwed up the entire game by.. idk, afk jacking off after the score is 5 0, flaming with caps for no reason, feeding because provoked by another player like for some example:

    Player A : "i go mid, or i feed them" and then
    Player B : "go feed them then fucktard i already pinged mid since the picking phase!"
    Player A starts feeding

    or just playing really bad even if he is giving it all / (really trying hard to win but he is just sucked hard)

    So my point here is as stated in the title, MMR HELL IS REAL

    You might be playing good by doing your role properly (warding and ganking as support, never miss cs as carry, etc)
    but dota 2 is a 5v5 game, you can't carry the game alone with 4 of your teammate holding you down

    I've already read some topic about how "mmr really show you where you belong" or something like "you just need to accept it that you are just that noob"

    No, sometimes the matchmaking is really just fucked up and not balanced at all, the matchmaking give you a team of a toxic flaming blamer player, passive R zeus 1hp ks lord, and an afk farming jungle 50 min mmorpg game player lvl 99 - just transfered to dota 2 juggernaut. And the enemy team consist of 5 man 6k mmr booster.

    My advice to get out of the mmr hell is either by making a new account and try to always play your games on that account with party, with a high mmr that you desired, try to find it, be friend with them and play the normal game with them.

    Or by abusing the meta, i climbed from 3k to 4k by abusing the invoker meta before, not always win but i have more win than lose, but this is a long road and you got to know what you are doing first, for todays meta checkout on youtube Bedman 9k spectre gaming, he abuse spec and now is currently the proud highest mmr in the world.

    Some of you might think my heaven mmr of 4k is just another mmr hell for your road to 5k

    I was just trying to share my experience and my frustration today, playing 12 hr of low priority and still lose even if i already did my best, and then i thought of giving my personal advice to climb to at least 4k.

    I wish this topic is helpful to some of you in somewhat someway somehow
    Wish me luck on my 4 games of low priority
    Thanks for reading

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      +666 rep some people don't understand that sometimes you get a born loser team that don't want to be carried

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        Ai Haibara <3

          There's no such thing as mmr hell. If you truly believe there is one, then trust me you won't improve your game :D


            that is right sir


              If MMR hell exists, there must be MMR paradise too.


                4k mmr is still shit. people still do dumb stuff at 4k mmr (including me), we're just more cognizant of it. 2k/3k players that delude themselves into thinking there's an mmr hell do so because they're unaware of their own mistakes


                  in some other guy's post you just said you were 3.9k

                  why tha fuck you lying


                    are you talking to me?