General Discussion

General DiscussionHave you made a teammate or enemy really angry, sad or salty?

Have you made a teammate or enemy really angry, sad or salty? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Like genuinely? that they are really mad or full of salt? how? what did you do? kindly share based from your experience.




        A team mate call everybody noob, missing kill, call us noob, or killed call us noob. You know how it goes.

        And the drama for the whole game continues until game ends. Jesus.


          Happens really often if i really cant help someone and i should have died too they want either my mom or me dead etc insults.


            We were equalled with opponent, so I didnt see any reason why..crtiqued my item much items...because I was too busy buying wards.. On Lion I had mek and tranquil i dont remmber what min and that is criticized wtf? We are ahead of enemy slightly and we are far from man so much hatred.


              mek on lion is awful. doesnt matter how far ahead you are, you can't justify buying the wrong items it theyre bad.

              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                Yes, of course.


                  Just take a look.


                  We are not doing that bad. The person who raged was windranger. From then on, the whole team flaming each other. It's 40-24 win fro Christ sake


                    I have ppl who played heroes that I haveknowledge but that person don't . Do I have to tell them every single game. I don't think so. I love Mek on supp because crucial for team fights.


                      took a rune =/ noob wasnt even mid hero

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                        huh, sometimes the pure fact of your existance is enough

                        Pale Mannie

                          I made my whole team angry by not buying wards as pos1 Silencer


                            A lot of people put the anger they accumulated during the day into the game, if you notice someone is angry just don't make him angrier by answering his trash talking, just ignore him / mute him and then unmute him at the end of the game.


                              i start flaming peoplre and first picking cores and say " i want to farm f4gg0ts".

                              this really boosts the morale of the team i dont know why, usually i get a trilane with me and noone is feeding when i do this


                                Making a smurf exclusively for throwing games and trolling people. A classic is picking ES and kicking people into their certain death or throwing them in as tiny, and the best of all: Disabling help won't help :D


                                  So yeah, I've made many players become salty, aggrovated and furious many times. Some guy even had a mental collapse when i played music on the mic, and he didn't know how to mute