General Discussion

General DiscussionRoaming - how to / questions

Roaming - how to / questions in General Discussion
yung griphook

    Lets say you first pick a hero with the intention of roaming and getting kills early. Like a tusk or SB or something like that. Let's also say that the enemy team has 3 hard to kill str heroes, like a bristle, brew + 1 or something to that effect.

    How could you as the tusk or SB have a game impact in this scenario? What should be your focus if there aren't many squishy heroes?

    Also, if anyone has any roaming tips please share them


      babysit the carry

      deny of any experience to the offlaner, interrupt the farm at mid or if he's a particularly good hero with runes, make sure he doesn't gets any

      do some hard pulls and then roam into the offlane if your offlaner is 6

      edit: if you're roaming as tusk get an orb of venom and ideally boots and a wand, sometimes a bottle, sometimes mana boots. depends on what you're up against. I didn't used to max snowball until they gave it more damage and less cooldown, so now is basically a must. shards are dependant; i do max the sigil if I got a phoenix on my team or something that can capitalize on the slow attack speed or kiting, like against a sven. even if you can't do kills early tusk should still be good at most stages of the game, just make sure your safe lane and mid aren't losing their lanes and you should be fine.

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