General Discussion

General DiscussionWin Rate :(

Win Rate :( in General Discussion

    Sup guys

    So as you can see my win rate went from 55% to 45% ,I need tips on how to go back to atleast 50% winrate

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Yeah mine too dropped from 55% to 53%. Help plox.


        53% aint that bad but still ;___;
        I know if i get a streak of 5 wins...Its that when i dont go mid i usually lose...Im a mid player and fucking retarded russians go mid and fuck it up ;__;


          Sea smurfer. Go back to your 2k main acc


            @pm1000 i shifted to eu now i am eu smurf


              100% went down to 49%


                >caring about winrate in 2016

                lm ao

                  >thinks 2k eu is better than 2k sea
                  >plays anyway at the cost of triple the ping

                  pinoy confirmed

                  lm ao

                    ok i take it back lel, do u play in central asia? like nepal or india or some ex-cis country with the -stan prefix?




                        well i understand where you're coming from i was also down to 33.33% but i managed to get it back to 50%... just be versatile in your heroes and counterpicking is very important... Be patient


                          Your sample size of games is still too small. Concentrate on improvement rather than stats and your WR will go up eventually


                            Learn to play all positions, pick what team needs


                              You barely have any games played. I dropped from having 100% after my first game to only whatever I have now :s

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                keep playing, don't flame.


                                  fuck its 44 now :(


                                    Shit look at mine gaining momentum vhs waiting for me destiny awaits


                                      @Filipino fuck off man i can get 80% winrate normal skill -.-


                                        Then why 44% its okay to be 44% just accept ur limitations and if ur not playing well then have a break have a kit kat know what im saying.... ;)


                                          Win games


                                            True and u keep playing with ur teammates who are vhs... maybe ur out of their league :( and uve been tilting like crazy... take my advise, dont pick injoker. Dont take mid. Focus on offlane for now being a superstar mid hero takes a lot of practice and last hitting skillzz which u dont have yet... so focus offlane or safelane youll see difference and try to eat playing dota without nourishment fries ur brain... ur reflexes will suffer eat drink and most of all sleep


                                              43% finally was winning one fucking game and then my internet fucks up ;___; abandoned


                                                You're from SE Asia and you're a smurf.

                                                You're just returning to your original mmr


                                                  least it's not 33%