General Discussion

General DiscussionEvery Single Ranked Games.

Every Single Ranked Games. in General Discussion

    It does bother me where for example we are in 40min of the game where the score is basically tight and we are equal. But when we finished t2 my team keep pushing on t3 tower for example. I mean I just want us go back...

    Or another scenario we have to play defensively but my team just pushing tower.

    All of this cause a team wipe on us.

    I mean I used the chatweel for team to go back or just chat but they just won't go back.

    just logic guys when we have t2 tower down. We have used our ulti.
    t3 need creepwaves longer ti reach t3 tower and mos of the time the opponents have all respawn already. Does this happen to you?

    The temptation of making another acc is so great....Although Ive got higher MMR since calibration.


      And be nice...Every single thread I made there are always annoying ool


        at least u can realize it urself


          Oh yeah plenty of times. I think most people think , oh we just beat them we can keep on going and they get higher morale... However I agree with you.

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          pls be patient very noob ...

            SEA pubs just don't get the whole concept of "high ground sieging" most of thr time. It happens so often where my team forces a T3 off a won teamfight that often ends up in a teamwipe that transitions to the enemy team sieging your base instead. Also, when pushing it ALWAYS has to be all mid, even if there are other outer towers in other lanes yet to be taken down. If we're not forcing T3 mid, we're locked in a stalemate sitting at low ground like idiots wasting time while the enemy core is farming and splitpushing a lane


              Yeah that happens.


                Does this happen in VHS or HS


                  Happens all the time


                    Every game man, every game


                      Even with drow/pugna push bullshit take outer towers from all lanes first. thats a lot of money, and helps go hg.

                      depending on enemy catch and respawn though, it might be worth forcing glyph or doing 1/2 tower.

                      Also try bringing a smoke and "fake back" from a push. if the core blinks out to start farming the big waves, you might get him for free.

                      Von Darkmoor

                        Bah even if u realize this you get the blame for the losing fight the retarded team takes despite allready wasTed their cds for the ti2 fight. ZzzzzZz

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