General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchemist - Itemization

Alchemist - Itemization in General Discussion

    What is the current best build for Alch mid? The Rads -> Bots -> Manta -> Oct doesn't seem to work out for me, since by the time I get Bots the fights are happening and I cant afford to get manta just to help me farm and push other lanes, so I end up going maelstrom and bkb etc.

    Also the first 20 minutes are absolute hell, and even when you have naked radiance + travels you dont have an impact till you get some HP and Dmg.

    Have you guys got any builds that will work better? Bfury maybe?

    PS I do play him mid


      Treads wand armlet blink ac skadi


        Bottle->treads->Sange and Yasha->Mjollnir->AC->Abyssal->Heart->Moonshard->Aghs sceptres.


          Rads - bots - manta - oct is for push strat. You should avoid tanking all the damage with this build since alch is actually not that strong. For teamfight oriented game, any traditional carry build could work on him. But you should capitalize his high ASPD (basher and mjoll works well). Alch excel at midgame where he could get 6 slot before enemy carry, and kinda fall off later since he's relied much on his ulti. So build with a goal to end the game ASAP.

          pls be patient very noob ...

            soulring + treads works well too in place of bottle. you get static regen from soulring plus you could fiddle about with treads before using soulring active and casting spells. 1-2 build isn't too bad either. just make sure to make all necessary armor reductions before landing your unstable concoction i.e. lay your acid spray down and cast medallion/solar crest before throwing your nuke. Shameless anti-support, or any other low armor hero tactic.

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                whatever u do invest first on items for atk speed and armor. alch is very squishy and the manta-octarine push build are for sissies

                Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                  mid: Bottle > Treads > Medalion > Blink > Vlads > Solar Crest > AC > pool Aghs into teammates. If some of your teammates benefit from Aghs a lot, e.g. Tiny, you should pool aghs earlier (b4 AC or even SC/Vlads). Don't see Alch as pure right-click carry, there are better options. Just get some armor and aura's and start pooling scepters, this is your duty as Alch.


                    "Bottle->treads->Sange and Yasha->Mjollnir->AC->Abyssal->Heart->Moonshard->Aghs sceptres" <-- Sounds Legit, will try tonight

                    Might try silveredge with the SnY too will see. Thanks guys.

                    Keep the advice coming!


                      To any alchemist spammers:

                      What do you do at 20 min with rads bots and yasha and the enemy is pressuring all your tier 2s with a decent lineup and splitting is not an option if two of their heroes can stop you and the rest continue the push?

                      pls be patient very noob ...

                        I'd join a teamfight defending the tier 2s. Land a fully charged nuke on top of a target stripped off of armor with acid spray, medallion/crest and any other -armor. Ideally let your team land the initiaton to set your stun up. Hopefully win the fight and push from there.