General Discussion

General DiscussionIs OD really broken??

Is OD really broken?? in General Discussion

    ^ plz comment plz.


      Broken Omniknight is.


        omni is broken when enemies don't know what a diffusal blade is

        Pale Mannie

          OD is fine and balanced


            He's so shit without a Midas. But with a Midas he's actually really good.


              He seems pretty fucking strong rn


                He is so easy to play if you use a brain bit u destroy whole team alone ...

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                    Losing all your mana and HP isn't fun


                      if enemy od builds midas, i start feeding couriers to give them at least a small chance to win

                      od is one of the best heroes of the patch, jointly with zeus/enchantress/sven/spectre


                        I mean safelane. He's so shit without a Midas, no levels and no farm. Didn't build a Midas — lost every game, started building midas — won 3 in a row. Coincidence? I think not.

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                            Midas on OD? :D He doesnt need it


                              > this hero doesnt need levels

                              He can't farm till level 10 if you don't max aura, you fucking tard.

                              > the items garbage tier in this meta to begin with

                              Midas was sleeper OP since 6.84 nerfs to creep gold and this meta is greedy farm without nukes — either cleave heroes or midas.

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                                  for gods sake u r vhs and u think that midas is a good purchase on od, are u jking or smthng


                                    ur vhs too


                                      i dont think midas is viable for od tho


                                        my words


                                          > it makes u practically useless during this entire period or much less useful than u could be at the very least.

                                          Not. It's 30 attack speed + drums as + treads as. OD with a midas deals significantly more damage at this stage than without. What other cheap item you want to give you comparable boost? You're not a getting a full RoA with drums+treads before 15 min, but you can easily get midas-treads-drums in 12 min.

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                                              od is super broken,even more than invo imo

                                              oh and fuck oklahoma


                                                RoA as in atos, not aquila

                                                > like if u really want to just buy a fucking hyperstone, im sure itll make u farm faster than midas honestly


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                                                < blank >

                                                  Invoker is not broken anymore

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                                                      no u᠎᠎᠎᠎᠎᠎


                                                        is aquila good on od? seems like a waste of 1k gold more than anything

                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          just get basi



                                                            Invoker is still strong in early - mid game, you can push and fight, but his late game is a lot worse right now, u can't do those combos. #FeelsBadMan

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                                                            the realm's delight

                                                              i hate od cause he has no sustain in terms of hp, if i dont have a healer in my team i often find myself bringing salves throughout the entire game


                                                                ^force staff, that's mostly why I'm always buying it instead of blink.

                                                                Low Expectations

                                                                  can someone tell me why sven is considered so good this patch?


                                                                    he kills all the other meta carries, and hes one of the fastest farmers in the game


                                                                      Yes, and next patch either his Q will reduce int by 1 less, or his W will scale with duration. I'm calling it right now. Next patch you can check this comment again and see i was right.


                                                                        guide to solo mmr in all brackets
                                                                        1: pick od
                                                                        2: team pick omni
                                                                        3: ???
                                                                        4: +25

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                                                                            Rarely go Midas with od. Might try it

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                                                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                    only problem i have with this hero is what allison said i always seem to need healing.

                                                                                    wand treads drums works fine, idk if roa is that necessary

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                                                                                        he is balanced

                                                                                        inbalanced on normal skills


                                                                                          He is the most balanced in this game right now..kappa

                                                                                          PICKLE RICK

                                                                                            -5 int per hit, which pretty much doesn't cost him any mana at all, not to mention he is hard to kill and has decent armor. I think is safe to say this is the most balanced hero to walk among us.


                                                                                              omni for od , problem solved


                                                                                                can someone explain me the aquila on od

                                                                                                i've never understood this

                                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                                  it gives u stats, so armor tankiness attack speed which is pretty good. i didnt rly like it at first but i played some games with it again and it seems prty awesome. not sure wether its actually worth the 1k for od but its decent item for safelane


                                                                                                    HOLY SHIT I PLAYED A RANKED GAME THAT DIDNT HAVE OD!!!

                                                                                                    it had omni zues spec tho so the cancer is still strong.