General Discussion

General Discussion1.6k->2k

1.6k->2k in General Discussion

    Could someone suggests a few hero that is good to climb mmr in this patch?Coz i suddenly wan to raise my mmr
    Thanks :)

    Holy Roman Empire


      Holy Roman Empire

        Actually omni's better


          Crystal Maiden

          Mr. Pickles

            Spectre, zeus

            Swap Commends

              Agro supps like venom/ogre/jakiro/zeus/bh ...
              carries like : od,spectre,slark,legion ...


                spectre, slardar, clinkz, juggernaut


                  i calibrated at 1800 mmr then dropped to 1700, but now im 2772 mmr in almost 400 games

                  what i used to get out of 1k land was omniknight and broodmother, no one knows how to play against them, and both can singlehandedly win games if done right. however i do not recommend brood because she requires micro so u dont feed ur babies

                  i highly recommend omniknight tho, i used him from 1.7k to 2.4k and at one point i had 70%~ winrate with him