General Discussion

General Discussion1 role or all?

1 role or all? in General Discussion


    You may or may not know me as the old guy with the biggest balls compared to penis size in the entire world.

    Here I am, before you great people with one of my questions. It's a good one.

    I usually play carry ok. I like that, I like the sound of money I like being fat and big and that's probably because of my penis size, I need to compensate with being big and important in dota 2 instead. I started this journey playing all roles, which I thought fit for my team, usually last picked or 4th picked heroes to get as good team as I could.

    Well fuck that, I started to play more and more carry because I liked it the most. I first picked carries just to secure my place because in my bracket there are people on their way to improve and doing well and there is people that have like 3k games and still being around 3.5k. I don't like those ones because they obviously don't try to make improvements.

    I study farming patterns, heroes and try to figure shit out. Sometimes, I may play other roles but I end up more like spectating the safelane carry and watching him missing CK, not doing decent rotations and I just feel gg ez offlane because I'm a dickstain that way.

    I'm currently raising my MMR, it's going up, and it has been going up since I started ranked. I don't know this numbers for sure but I feel like the wins I have is usually when I get 1 or maybe 2 position. I'm not a good support, I don't know how to ward very well. I play it sometimes, I pull, ward, try my best to deward and assist but idk, I end up not doing so well. I play jungle sometimes, that's ok but I think it cripples my team alot because I end up farming more then I should depending on the hero I pick ofc.

    So the question is, to you almighty people with higher mmr then me. I'd say 4-5k+. Do you learn all roles, or do you simply spam what you're best at? I'm not asking how to get higher mmr I'm asking what do you play. I don't play mid, I really don't like it because it's alot more momentumbased then playing a safelane farmer.

    I would like to extend my dota 2 with another role and I'm thinking about maybe I could start learn offlane too. So that I at least have two positions to play if I can't safelane farm.

    Big balls, tiny dick. Signing out.


      You may or may not know me as the old guy with the biggest balls compared to penis size in the entire world.

      so 1 cm dick and 4 cm^3 balls? 4head


        You don't want to know the true lenght.


          I'm not a higher MMR tahn you, but I've been doing to same lately. Carry seems to just be what fits me best, and my winrate in the past month has been like 80% just because I stopped playing support.


            Hi bro, I would like to tell you from my personal experience: I'm on the mids 4k solo and i have a ~team with my friends that is 3,4k team ranked matchmaking, my usual position is 1, but I play all roles, and i think that knowing how to play every hero and every position is very important for your improvement.
            1- You need to know what your teammates can do for the team and what the enemies can do agaisnt you.
            2- "Knowing" what a hero can do on paper is easy, but you need to play it to have a better "feelling"
            3- It's much more fun to play diferent roles each day.

            that's all, good luck


              even smaller? EleGiggle im sorry for u

              Pale Mannie


                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                  pls be patient very noob ...

                    OP. try visiting if you have any plans on growing your member. Nokappa. And it's free.


                      finally a decent thread

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        I only play 1 roll: Riki.


                          Riki can fit all roles


                            He strong support and carry.

                            Mr. Furryhentai

                              rapira first is core on riki

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                nah get dagon first so you can secure enough kills to buy rapira.


                                  No get BoT so you can be in any lane to ks when needed.