General Discussion

General DiscussionVery useful tip here on how to deal with noob teammates

Very useful tip here on how to deal with noob teammates in General Discussion

    Your teammates feed? Flame you? You feel triggered? Feel no hope to win the game? FUCK!!!!
    U feel WANT TO ABANDON the game? DONT WORRY
    Okay so;

    1) U have expensive items like dagon lvl 5 / heart / satanic etc.
    2) Lot of golds too above $1.3k maybe
    4) Drop ur all ur items and deny it all
    5) Still got golds left? Buy so many sentry or observer or etc till u lost ur golds. drop them and DENY it all too
    6) type "FUCK U ALL" send to all

    *ur fucking shit teammates wont get benefit from ur abandonment coz u sell ur items and u have 0 golds xD
    they will have low chance to win then. :DD

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      Now I know why you are in Normal skill..


        Now I know why you are in Normal skill..

        yeah but u dont know im 3.5k on my main which is high skill and fucking shit toxic bracket


          :D leave SEA, mate. I made a smurf in Japan server. Pretty nice ppl, nice supports, nice everything and calibrated at 4.7k. Everything is going fine that way.. I am still playing this one just because of my Indo friends.


            idunno. yeah sea server is really cancer as fuck. maybe i will try to play in other server too. just the high ping problem thats why i still playing in sea


              the only impression i got is that OP is very bad, both in terms of communication and in terms of skill


                ^ u are right about it. im actually doesnt communicate well because in sea server people wont listen to u. they have high ego (im becoming like that too because of them) and I HAVE REALLY BAD SKILL (thats why i lose a lot in vhs / hs) AND PRETTY LOW MAP AWARENESS.


                  i try to pick core everytime but i cant win by myself. and we lack of supports and initiator. yeah. my bad

                  FZ 1 N

                    3.5k EU is the worst shit ever IMO


                      3-42-10 is some pro feed


                        Wow ur smurf dropped to normal? IM SO SHOCKED Kappa


                          Wow ur smurf dropped to normal? IM SO SHOCKED Kappa

                          smurf doesnt mean it will auto 5k. and this is my "OTHER" account. if i call it "SMURF" 2k player like u will said "OMFG ITS A SMURF ROAD TO 5K MMR FAILFISH" .. this is basically my other acc.. and no suprise i drop to normal skill with this "SO CALLED SMURF ACC" aka I CALL IT OTHER ACC because im OBVIOUSLY FUCKING TROLLING with QOP .. DEATH more than 30



                            i use my main for trading and selling items etc. so i use this acc just for fun. not ROADTO5K MID AKO BOBO TANGINO MO things

                            #GG sea server mid ako 2 tango auto lose

                            yung griphook

                              I would much rather have a noob teammate who is cooperative than a good teammate who's a piece of shit. The latter is much more likely to tilt and throw in my experience

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                I agree with can't stop.

                                That's why I hated the invoker in my last game even if his KDA was the highest.


                                  @Op - ROFL :D



                                      sea normal skill is climbable, it just takes more skill, more patience, and the mute button to do it


                                        or you could just mute them and play your game.

                                        in sea server people wont listen to u.

                                        realtalk: If nobody listens to you, it's nearly guaranteed that the problem is with you. This complaint seems to come up a lot on the forum: "nobody listens". Every single time this is posted by someone with poor communication skills and no interest in improving their communication skills.

                                        There's never a good reason to throw a game.


                                          the only way for u to not tilt in any server because of ur teammates is to mute the other 9 players from the start

                                          this way u can just focus on ur own mistakes and the only reason u would tilt is if u played bad

                                          question though, if i muted my teammates, they can still see me type right? cuz i still type stuff like "b" or something that aint in my chat wheel


                                            ur main is 3k? oh that means u are semi-pro

                                            GL IN FINALS

                                            SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                                              ^^ @moon moon,
                                              Man, they added more lines years ago and I am sure there is >get back thing.

                                              The Joker

                                                SEA server are filled with prideful kid who think that he can take on his enemies by himself and that's when I know when should I just pick carry instead of support even there are already 2 carries on my team because they will just fuck it up anyways no matter how much the effort support will do to win in an unwinnable match.


                                                  yeah ik, but i put lots of flavor stuff on my chat wheel lmao

                                                  i should probably change it, but most ppl dont listen to the chat wheel anyway in my experience


                                                    @The Joker

                                                    i hope ur joking, because people with that mentality are the reason sea server is deemed as a hellhole


                                                      SEA server are filled with prideful kid who think that he can take on his enemies by himself

                                                      ok, so those kids always pick carries and take at least 20 minutes before they farm enough shit to be relevant in the game

                                                      and that's when I know when should I just pick carry

                                                      4head no just pick something that can push. if they all have carries they're all going to take at least 20 to 25 minutes before they are even remotely relevant on the map. just push the lanes, they won't be able to stop even a casual push.


                                                        Pick a carry who can push and gank equally well. Good choices include Luna, CK, NP, Invoker, etc. You push and gank while your teammates farm jungle because if you actually try fighting with team for jungle farm, no one will get anything. Instead, destroy enemy towers and claim the farm in lanes / enemy jungle. If the enemy is careless and sends their carry solo to farm jungle, you can easily kill him too.

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                                                          If your main is 3.5k+ I hope to god I will never play with or against you. Calling it toxic, you are toxic. People and players like you are one of the few big things that sometimes makes this game not fun to play. Hope you get ebola and drop dead. Not really, don't want you to do so young, but at least get aids or something that's possible to live a few years with.


                                                            thats some seriously messed up shit there fam

                                                            just wish his net gets ruined forever holy fuck

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