General Discussion

General DiscussionCaliberating 3.5k-4k mmr as a support player.

Caliberating 3.5k-4k mmr as a support player. in General Discussion
a little mmr

    What is the best hero to use in a smurf account as a support player?

    I know it all comes down to play at the end of the day. But as we all know, certain "spams" are very effective in calibrating a good mmr.
    What are the most efficient support heroes for the same?


      Don't smurf.

      Now, here me out lol. Your goal in smurfing is to get higher mmr. A smurf takes somewhere between 80~100 games. You will tryhard these 100 games with teammates 10 times more toxic than your current teammates. Yes, it's a fact because every other smurfer just wants to play mid/carry and are all egoists.

      Unless you're managing a 1000 mmr and over jump which, let's face it, is a long shot (if you had that mechanical skill difference, you'd be stomping your current mmr already), you're much better off just grinding that 500+mmr from these 100 games.


        Its not about heroes, its about how you play. If u play like 2k, the you get 2k.

        a little mmr

          I am used to playing with my +4 stack. We mostly play CM. Even tho I have the worst mmr among them (2.5k, while others are at 3.5 to 4) I feel very comfortable playing at the skill bracket higher than 2k.

          With my smurf I just want to be one of those cancers who spam heal etc and not do much otherwise and hopefully reach a skill bracket where I have fun supporting in.

          Yep, I only play supports.


            you can still climb mmr at your current bracket as a support player but CM is not a very good because she's not very useful lategame most of the times. Pick supports that scales alot better and are great lategame. Necro is kind of meh in laningstage but so are 2k players so I'd pick him, maybe lategame if you're winning pick up an aghs or so, really good for lategame necro. WD is good too entire game, Omni, he's boring but probably the most useful support lategame against a carry lineup


              u dont have to heal like **** to get high mmr at the end , pick last , pick what your team need . there is no Best thing ever in dota
              all of your games are high skill now . u will get 2.5-3.5k max .
              if thats what u want , keep going . but if u want more , u have to improve

              yung griphook

                have to imagine any hero with a heal or a stun is the way to go

                a little mmr

                  By CM i meant captains mode. And I understand that during normal matches I dont have to spam heal, but during calibration it all counts.


                    Climbing 2k To 3K In Sea Server Is So Fucked Up


                      Honestly, u can play support well when u have many experiance in role carry or midlane so enjoy the game by different role will help u improve some invidual skills and ideas