General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Acording to skill.

MMR Acording to skill. in General Discussion

    1k- No sence about the game, plays for fun, most of times suck hard.
    2k- Have sence to what dota is, but doesnt play for improve, just goes like the old dota1 garena doing madness for CM, mjhonir for Zeus. etc
    3k- Now there are guys who are triyng to improve, feel the game and plays for in, anyways, most of time they throw up the game.
    4k- im a 4k-5k booster and im not near a pro. But knows a little about the game, enough to GIT GUD later on...
    5k- guys that have sence of how to pick, spells, counters, what to do, when to do on any stages of the game
    6k- do what 5k does but even better
    7k- professional players, some or even 80% plays on team and even for money
    8k- you know what im siayng: Miracle, w33. The pool of best players in the world right now.

    Your thoughts?

    the realm's delight

      0-6k - shits
      7k-8k - good shits

      Meat Spinner

        Man uve got cool stats ! Seriously go and calibrate :-)



          mmr assasin

            0-4k shit players or good players but doesnt know how to finish games
            4-5k players decent players but bad decisions
            6k doesnt give a fuck about game, fast finishers, dope games
            7k try hards, meta pickers 1k game quality
            8k get a life


              <1k - DELETE DOTA
              1-2k - Fails of the Week Quality
              2-3k - People who lose consistently to Silly Builds / Counterpicks
              3-4k - Lacks either short-term skills or long-term plans
              4-5k - Don't play in this bracket, but I hear this is where the game starts to resemble pro / meta DotA. Non-team players without rtz's mechanical gifts can't pass this MMR bracket and play on their 10000 smurfs / booster accounts.
              5-6k - Agree with the author.
              6-7k - From interviews I heard from pros and semi-pros, the advantage they have over 5k players is that all the decisions 5-6k players make have become basic instinct. Consistent and smooth application of game understanding, rather than simply the knowledge, becomes the standard.

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                0-4k Subhuman

                4-5k Animals

                5-5.5k good players and trash mixed in

                5.5k+ know what they are doing


                  ??? - people who can make at least a living wage playing this stupid game
                  ??? - everyone else

                  lm ao

                    I'm pretty sure its stupid to generalize player pools belonging to discrete increments of 1000 points I will literally sue you if you do this in real lofe professional applications

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!