General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the best pubstar offlane players?

What are the best pubstar offlane players? in General Discussion

    Been playing offlane alot and winning a decent amount but would like to watch more good pubstomp offlaners.

    Currently like Khezu, Ghostik,ixmike but id like some more 6.5k-8K players if anyone knows any?

    Universe, zai and b0ne have no pub games recently.

    Wheres DDsama when i need him for recommendations.

    zero fucks given

      Try for SexyBamboe or Funn1k. From your list I only recommend KheZu and Universe. From what I know, bOne7 doesn't play offlane anymore and zai is just outdated.


        Ad. Buldog bro, Even singsing is spamming BM offlane (wich is pretty strong)


          Yeah everyone seems to be playing BM (beastmaster im guessing?) at the moment, I should probably get round to learning to play him decently!. With the spring cleaning update to broods micro groups too i think we'll see that played more possibly aswell.

          bum farto

            Tripple plays a good beast master. #kappa


              havoc i know where to go if i wanna learn timbershit Kappa.


                triplesteal, ofc

                < blank >

                  I like to pick TripleSteal for offlane


                    i can sense you guys are memeing me kek.


                      im a 5k potato with 3-heroes-wide hero pool

                      XaKoH is the highest rated offlane-only player I can think of


                        ^3? more like 1


                          hes not insanely good tho, hes more of a pubstar rather than a competitive player; but thats what you are looking for, as far as I understood.


                            XaKoH even play on his main account? kek hes always fucking boosting rofl.


                              recently hes playing on his main most of the times, afaik, but hes a bit down in mmr to smthng like 7.6


                                @triple senpai how's dp in this meta thx


                                  average in pub dota, better in competitive, dota cz she benefits from correct picks and teamplay a lot.
                                  shes not an offlaner tho, i havent seen her anywhere outside of mid.


                                    Offlane? u mean dual ench or jungle? SeemsGood

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                                        Whats his smurf? If you know ant other offlaner smurfs too please share. Cheers guys