General Discussion

General DiscussionMost annoying most disappointing game of my life.

Most annoying most disappointing game of my life. in General Discussion

    This extremely long game, that i hardcore carried with 34 kills... was the biggest waste of time and a huge disappointing moment. Literally every game with riki i hard carry my team doesn't know how to push the ancient and win.
    Now im going to meditate for hours until this match fucking shrivels up and dies away from my memories.

    Edit: what does it mean when the previous match has a skill bracket but the recent one is blank?

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    Von Darkmoor

      Not sure but mostly happens with games where People abandon or with game where People is disconnected for long Times due to network problems in my experence. You should try to hit towers more if you Want to win, game is about Ancient not about kills. ... Drow 6,8k, SK 4,2 k and you only 2,3 k.

      lm ao

        I feel ya bud


          My ranked game from last year. 58,3 k damage as spectre and still lose.


            We defended against mega creeps for 20 minutes and every time I tried to back door their ancient they just all used boots and came back.


              This guy litterally dealt 0 damage to towers


                Riski, that looks like a close game, but i dont agree you hard carried them, you have more kills and better kda, but your team has 4 players with almost same gpm, actually this is a problem for your team, more gold on medusa would have improved your chances (medusa died a lot though, but imo her stats good enought to not be blamed for losing game).
                i dont know why you think your team should have won this game. i see the radiant with 3 hard carries vs your team with 1 hard carry.
                i accept necro and riki carrie, but they are not hard carries imo, and the difference between a carry and a hard carry is highlighted in the late game.
                the xp graph is not ideal for gauging the game, but it was quite close all game (max 12k difference @ 45 min). late game is the time in a game when mistakes cost the most, just 1 death or a player with no tp is all it takes to win loss at this point in the game. i think you are harsh on yourself and your team, to me that looks like a good close game, you did well yourself, but so did the other team. everyone competed to their best, game has to have winners and lossers.

                  Zorthax Dorn


                    45 kills as CK, still couldn't out carry my friends all collectively going full retard mode


                      I have some questions for you, and you should probably just wonder at them. If you see nothing wrong, I can only tell you to improve. If you do see something wrong, then I really feel sorry for you, but you need to take control of your team and ask them to buy "x" and when to use it.
                      What is wrong with Necrophos' build?
                      Why not upgrade the diffusal blade?
                      Why no BKB when they have alot of stuns (notably Tidehunter)
                      What is wrong with Tidehunter's build?
                      Team shadowblade?
                      Why have sentries at that point instead of a gem?

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                        Yea there's plenty wrong with the builds of our team. And honestly it was bad decision making on my part to be playing a game at 1:30 AM, probably wasn't thinking all that clearly build wise.