General Discussion

General DiscussionRandom should not provide bonus gold for Ranked... or removed altoget...

Random should not provide bonus gold for Ranked... or removed altogether. in General Discussion

    This will deter people from randoming because they want the bonus gold yet people who genuinely just want to random still have the option to. Ranked is 'meant' to be a serious environment and I think adding an element of luck in the pick phase sucks.

    If you're lucky, you get a midlaner and 200 gold is a huge advantage at higher MMRs where a lot of trading is done. If you're unlucky you get some dumb pick and fuck your team over. Don't get me started on last pick randomers.

    There really is no argument for the random option other than it being there for people who want it. That's as mighty of an argument as saying every other mode should be added to ranked like Single Draft and etc.


      When me and my friends play in the same netcafe or in the same apartment, two of the first pick is random. Because we are versatile old players and even if there is some hero we can't play well, there will be always an another fam who mastered it. We just switch seats xD bonus gold is crazy stuff for courier and wards, man. But I don't recommend this in solo matchmaking, it will end up cancerus sometimes.


        there's probably some merit in not letting 4th/5th pick be able to random. i don't think the bonus gold is a big deal


          What if they random spectre?


            Tecnically random doesn't give bonus gold. Every player starts with 825 gold: picking an hero cost 200 gold , randoming costs 0, re-randoming costs 100 gold, re-picking after the first random costs 100 gold + the 200 gold of the random.
            Yeah ranked is meat to be more serious than "normal" games but nothing more, none of those are pro games ;)
            If you really don't want the option to random that much you can choose captains mode instead of all pick or random draft


              ^No one plays captain mode in Solo Queue, right?


                Someone does, anyway it's not really that hard to find some guys to play with. If you have no friends that plays dota just invite some random guys from the chat(mmr doesn't matter, just be sure that there's less than 2k mmr difference between the top and lower player in the party), sooner or later you'll find some nice guy with which you like to play. Dota2 is so much better if played in party


                  By your logic, they should remove Daedalus from the game because "adding an element of"


                    Good one