General Discussion

General DiscussionCaptains Mode: Opinion

Captains Mode: Opinion in General Discussion

    In my opinion, the new captain mode in ranked picked is just fine. people don't pick too many carries and you play like teamwork, unlike allpick everyone is on their own. especially in the low bracket.


      takes a lot of time and causes more hate cz one person decides for the whole team

      carry or feed

        It is good on high rating games but on low tier it is very bad.

        1-2k mmr want to pick carry and someone rage quit because he dont like to play supp


          so wat .. ppl still no teamwork in game ... winning game keep farming n drag for no reason , if those retard love farming alone whole game y don they go play ai?


            It depends on how good is the captain.
            I asked captain to pick heroes who can "close the distance" very fast (CK for example), but what I got is LC on last pick vs all ranged fast push strat (with Dazzle). I instantly called "GG" and got 2-3 reports, I guess.


              I agree with @soultrap, it depends on the captain
              Very old game but one of the most memorable Captain's modes I have. The captain listened to advice and kept his team's morale up and that's basically all it takes to win games


                ppl like to talk about themselves and complain way more than to answer others' questions

                < blank >

                  I have a huge stick and I hate Hillary Clinton


                    It's ok if you judge something by your personal experience.



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