General Discussion

General DiscussionI just finished my 100th game with Divine rapier

I just finished my 100th game with Divine rapier in General Discussion

    With an exactly 50% winrate.

    What are the odds?

    kunst 2

      1/100, probably

      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        it's actually 0.079 for a normal person with 50% winrate

        Since I have a 30% winrate it would be
        0.000013 though. So wow. I did the impossible!

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          Sometimes my shit does not stink, why


            Race matters

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              I just did something that I had a 0.000013 chance of doing.

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                  No don't do that


                    Do you have anything to say to your fans back home? You want to thank anyone special?


                      Pretentious much?


                        Congrats dude, keep ruining games for others.


                          They ruining game for him by not playing support


                            I can't wait for this guy to learn what a last hit and boots are

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              Terrific. Now play dotA legit and correctly.

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                I'd like to tell my fans back home that they too, can make it to 100 games with a divine rapier) And that they too can have higher kills than assists like I do)

                                I'd like to thank Riki for being a great hero and allowing me to dagon people from invis while remaining invis)

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