General Discussion

General Discussiondon't you think the mmr system should change?

don't you think the mmr system should change? in General Discussion
Corvus Corax

    i think the mmr loss or gain shouldn't only depend on the team victory. everybody goes through games where a player gets sad and starts feeding. sometimes this is inevitable no matter how kind you are.

    i even played with 2 guys, their objective was to lose mmr(i checked their profile) they fed from the start, slark and sf in this game, they said they wanted mid and ez carry, we picked according to them and they fed. ; or in this game our mirana wanted roam, he roamed for a few minutes, helped some kills, never said anything, never used her ulti and started playing alone and feeding clinkz. never did anything for the team yet we won the game and he got mmr. even in captains mode, this slark wanted ez carry and said slark is good pick, turns out its his first time and i lose mmr.

    the amount of good games i play are very low, i am 3k in both party and single. i work my ass off and raise mmr to get to high skill and the next week i only get to play with feeders. seriously valve why?


      Sometimes it happens that you get several feeder in row and games become very frustrating, but aim of this game is destroy enemy throne.
      You can have very good stats, but if you are not playing for this goal, you lose the is simple.

      N O M A D

        I honestly feel like MMR should be recorded by your game play during the match. So there should be a bracket that you play in with a required MMR thus setting up a goal to reach throughout the match. So say the Bracket you play in as position 5, normally buys +- 30 wards a game, if you play position 5 you need to surpass that amount to gain MMR, win or loose. and if you don't, you loose MMR. Thus if you get idiots that feed in your game, according to YOUR game play you gain or loose MMR. The MMR system needs a rework asap!




            you cant evaluate one´s performance perfectly in this game without running a risk of this system being abused left and right, and win-loss based MM gives a relevant output in you paly enough games. ELO shit doesnt work for dota (sadly).



              MMR Isnt Quest Or Achivement U want it u should Gain it no pain no mmr xD!!

              Corvus Corax

                there's a pentagon in the users profile. it somehow describes in game performance. how hard can it be to assess that performance for mmr change.i might win or lose a game but the things i do are calculated. so the mmr can be influenced by the fight, farm, space and support contributions made in the game.

                and i think everybody would agree on not losing mmr when someone in your team i.e. has 30 deaths in 40 minutes. that player can lose all mmr instead of the team.


                  Dude you can´t punish guys who feed, because not everytime it is their fault. They can have for example mid opponent with rating several thousand above (smurf) and can be outplayed and stomped. Or he is ganked several times with no wards placed.

                  Support will not buy +- 30 ward per game. This is very unrealistic.
                  I am wondering why guys are thinking that placing wards like a mad is alpha omega of this game.
                  I will never play support like this.

                  +-30 wards and brown boots :D


                    There's 10 people in every dota match. This happens every day in alot of games. It's sadly a part of dota2 like it or not. There's no playing around this, MMR change wont take away stuff like this at all. Only thing you can do is play with it, que for more games and if you really think you are the good part of dota you should gain mmr in the long run since enemy team has 5 random people and your team only has 4. So it's a numbers game and eventually you will be on the winning side since that's just math..Unless you play like this yourself then its 5 potential scums in your team too.


                      Have you any idea of how many 30 wards are?

                      Dire Wolf

                        wow dude linking matches from 5 months ago, get over it

                        GTHC_Klaus Teuber

                          Valve should definitely adjust their RMM System for a multi-million (billion?) dollar game based on the feedback they get from salty teenagers stuck in normal skill.... Kappa

                          Von Darkmoor

                            Removing -25 for the team with the leaver is an easy thing to do and should have been done ages ago.
                            Apart from that they could improve the matching in a million ways If 3d party sites can do it the valve can too.

                            But the first really cant take much effort.

                            Corvus Corax

                              sadly i am not a teenager, but the salty teenagers are their customers making it a billion dollar worth market, customer feedback dude learn some corporate governance.

                              Dire Wolf

                                No cus that can be abused, you get one guy to leave and take the blow for the team right before throne falls.

                                Luv  Me

                                  Same like me from

                                  Now Dota only have captain mode for the most playing game of Dota ranked match
                                  Once my captain didnt pick hero of this Enigma's hero, so he started to feed to enemy hero from early game
                                  Now what? The remain player's game are ruined and -25 MMR for all players that lost
                                  Lower MMR again and for sure u will meet players like those Enigma again next time
                                  This MMR mekansm' need to change

                                  -sorry bad english-


                                    I think that the mmr system is fine except people could earn more or less mmr depending on their performance in previous games. If you are on a 5 win streak, then maybe more mmr could be given. Vice versa for losing streaks. Could put people where they deserve to be faster and also track improvement.

                                    GTHC_Klaus Teuber

                                      The MMR system is fine and is proven to work as intended for a very complex game. Pro-players make smurfs and instantly play themselves from normal skill to very-high skill. They then calibrate at around the max (4.5K) and proceed to hit 7K in a couple of weeks.

                                      If you are stuck in an MMR bracket it is because that is where you belong. Once you learn that A) not every game is winnable and B) that the enemy team has just as many bad players as your team - meaning if you are a better player then you should win - you will do a lot better and rise.

                                      I came off as rude because posts like this are all to frequent from players who are stuck in the "trench." I even complained about this when I was where you were. If you want to raise MMR, don't change the system, change your play, study the game, set goals and milestones and strive for them. Spam heros until you master them.

                                      As for getting ride of losing MMR if someone leaves, that is too easy to abuse as well. We as people only remember the abandons when they effect us. Remember, they happen on the other side too, where you benefit from an abandon.

                                      As for WS multipliers, not a bad idea, but again, I think the system is fair, and works as intended.

                                      TLDR. If your good, and focus on your own game play, you will end up in the bracket you belong. Don't try to blame the system for your positioning.


                                        mmr is ok guys dont cry plz


                                          normal skill bracket, don't take it too seriously.