General Discussion

General Discussion83.33% winrate but i still in NS ?! why ? :|

83.33% winrate but i still in NS ?! why ? :| in General Discussion
@KaitoKid Sama
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    @KaitoKid Sama

      Winrate doesn't affect ur skill bracket tbh. It's overall gameplay performance kid :-) take a look at this smurf, I used it to pull down smurfers, in short I'm smurfing to snipe smurfers :-)


          KYS pls


            If you want a good job in business, technology, or science, get out of that armchair and start learning English now!



              Kill your self!

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                  me say so sry for my bad english, alway me cant play mid or safe lane, i forced to play offlane or other rolle in the game and when you play suporter cant up your skill bracket and i obliged to play riki or other hero

                  alway me have unbalance team and my team feed more and me cant rise up LH or get kill or other things and my skill bracket get down for my team not my skill i`m so mad i have one ID in MMR 2800 and i cant play it bexuse i think my skill upper than it my firs id get 1800 MMR becuse my roll is suporter and i alway play suport with this and me get 1800 ( lol ) next ID me play except suport roll and get 2800


                    another question smurf means ? :D


                      Vhs= GIT GUD


                        Smurf a blue dwarfs :D


                          can any one improve my skill ? and get offer to me ?!
                          me play some my replays but i need one to help me to improve my skill


                            You need some to improve you your englando skill!


                              @THE LEGEND : ty for blame me


                                Watch pro stream.

                                Miracle gameplay or rtz


                                  -Larn to lastheet
                                  -Alwais brinjg tepee
                                  -Kell or geet assist
                                  -Use hiro with mubility
                                  -Speam skill on enemy so dat thee enemy will force to bay salve or go bak to base
                                  -Don't fiid
                                  -Conttroll lane
                                  -pick tekies ;)


                                    im 5k players, on smurfing, it took me 1 game to enter vhs bracket, and always vhs after that. average mmr 4.4k players in normal non ranked pub and above after few matches.

                                    Jacques Lacan

                                      11-2? that's not how high skill works


                                        mi use Rosetta Stone para learn inglandski

                                        kunst 2

                                          Read Volvo blog about fantasy points. This is what you need for vhs


                                            @... can get link plz ?

                                            Mors tua vita mea

                                              You chosed ,,im a beginer,, when u made your acc. Thats only logical reason. Its ez to get hs. 1 game with 500 gpm and 5kda can put you in high skill. Go make new acc and chose ,, i played dota 2,,

                                              Visita Hari Danta

                                                To be in VHS or HS you need to spam EZ everytime you kill your enemy, and at the end of the game speak EZ GAME EZ LIFE THX BY +25, just do it and you'll be in VHS really fast.


                                                  i play 2 game and 3 loss but me try to play safe and good but my team so retard and i still stay in NS bracket


                                                    can someone predict my MMR rightnow?