General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp please

Help please in General Discussion

    I have been playing for a few months now and seem to be getting worse. I started with about 1.6k mmr, and have fallen to sub 1k. Any advice on how to not suck, and get good would be appreciated. Thanks in advance



      Pandamonium(You Died)

        a) Find 3-5 heroes you like playstyle wise.
        b) Watch videos or twitch or replays of high level players (not pros though, although its helpful to learn some tricks)
        c) Apply your head + numerous guides around internet with b)


          read up on the meta, watch videos on youtube by better players where they explain how and why they do this and that, watch 6k players in playerprespective

          people just seem to be too used to asking questions and not thinking for themselves. i think that i can pretty confidently say that the people who ask others how to become better at this game will never become good at this game because they lack the initiative to think for themselves and to pinpoint what they're lacking in


            well im subscribed to purge and and tsunami and have been watching them for a while. I have read guides from steam and purges guide. I watch alot of pro games on dota tv.

            I tried to expand the amount of heros I can play with recently to fill in any gaps the team needs but I mainly play Spec, Ursa, Zeus, WD, Enchantess, Sven, and Omni

            I feel like Im getting better, I understand more what abilites heros have. I am doing better about positioning.

            Despite all that, and the feel that I am way better than I was when I calibrated I continue to go on massive loosing streaks and consitantly loose games even despite playing what I feel is better dota. I have bad games, but alot of games but it seems like if I play good I still loose

            IDK what else I can do, am what am I missing


              if you're doing all that, then there's simply no way you won't get better. everyone hits a bad loss streak at some point, but if you really are playing well then it'll eventually even out if you play a large number of games

              all that's left for you to do now is play more of the game and conciously think about every one of your decisions


                dont play too much unless you plan on having good mmr
                play within breaks and take some time to relax
                get wards and tp
                that 2 item will save ur life most of the time
                as for heroes. dont bother trying other hero its fun to experiment