General Discussion

General DiscussionShit team after shit team after shit team

Shit team after shit team after shit team in General Discussion

    Jesus **** this game is full of retards. Best one on the team and these peruvian ***** are like report him useless. Look at these ********** last game. 1 hour game and our hc doesnt have a bkb. garbage game.
    Trash, all of them, every damn game. Stuck with retards, cursed by volvo

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      9 game lose streak.... It happens man

      Livin' Real Good

        You just said you were a nice guy the other day looking for nice people to play with, but all I see is a complaining douche with an ugly avatar.

        You did awful that Lina game, but all you see is "16-7" with your little noob eyes, so you just assume you did the best, and you're not (16-7) teammates are bad. You barely had over 400 GPM despite getting fed, and last hits were low too in almost an hour long game. Even the Ursa game was bad, look at your farm! You're exactly where you belong, i'm sorry. Hope you start winning more soon (Aka getting carried more) try being nicer to teammates, good luck.

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          Take a break from dota, a day or something and then come back reset and with a fresh mind. You're obviously the main reason you're losing all your games and you need to admit its your fault not theirs or you will never improve.

          7-10 days ago you were doing well with wins so reset and untilt yourself and get back in that mind set, going into a game and a bad misplay then instantly flaming because of it is just gonna tilt you more.

          You all chat flame far too much.

          sAss Cactus

            I agree with Yorkey, as I have also seen my fair share of this type of behavior where players think too highly of their skill and actual effect on the game. I don't know who started flaming first in your game but from your attitude I am willing to take a risk and bet you didn't help the situation either. Try to learn from this game so it's not a total waste of time. It's a team based game and winning is only possible through collaboration.

            Next time you find yourself in a situation like your last game try to address it early on: be nice to your teammates, try to help them get kills in the game, be useful (buy wards if you have to). Even if you don't win the game at least you might enjoy it, it won't feel so sour when you lose and you will have learned an useful skill which you can further develop and apply in future games.

            lm ao

              Shit thread after shit thread after shit thread

              Jesus **** my advice, stop playing ranked when youre in a tilt

              Vem Comigo

                Retarded people play with retarded people, if your games are all full of retards you are a retard as well.
                Examples : guy complains that he only see`s gay people, he only talks with gay people, he only fucks gay people, he is gay.


                  I never said I was the best because I had 16-7. Mirana (The one that hit 0 arrows mid) reported me for failing mid kek
                  Meanwhile our alch is farming his 30 min radiance and no bkb in an hour long game. Tusk safelane, 2-14 was it? And Mirana 2-12 or something? Garbage team.
                  Always blaming the mid for how trashy they are. I didn't farm for **** because if you watch the replay, Mirana and alch pushed out all the lanes and alch took Jung. I know one thing for sure, OUR LOSS WASN'T BECAUSE I HAD A LOW GPM. JUST LOOK AT THE HELL HOLE I WAS PUT IN.
                  P.s. Take a look at your games yorkey and I'm the one getting carried. Nice one.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    actually sotp talking ur so awful get better and you will win


                      i just reborn after 9 loose streak xD

                      Cousin Sneeder

                        Ok, you have over 4k games and still in normal skill?

                        You are just absolutely shit at this game dude, no question about it. Like how is it even possible to play a game so long and literally never improve from the beginner stage?

                        Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                          Damn.... you got 9 games straight with bad teammates ! Time to look for decent players and play in a party?


                            every game of yours has 10 retards in it and u shouldnt expect anything different, just cz ur mmr is low.


                              Everyday thread

                              Cybill Shepherd

                                Doesn't matter how "stupid" you claim the guys on your teams are.

                                If you're considerably better than your bracket and you aren't one of the "problem" players on your team you'll win games.

                                This may be a team game but in normal and high skill it isn't difficult to solo win at least 80% of every game you play.


                                  4.3k games. normal skill. :D


                                    in normal skill n high skill ... one man army is work , there are huge different in players skill , me n ember stomp 5ppl ... if u cant even win normal skill match u need to improve urself... and OMG for a 4.4k games played still in normal skill/high skill ... u don hv talent in d2 and u nvr improve for 4.4k games .. ggwp

                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                      You get shit teammates because you belong with them. Thats how dota 2 matchmaking is. Deal with it.


                                        In your number of games, I should expect you have a decent attitude of a high skill player and yet I sense you flame too much. Accept criticism that you also made a mistake. You have Dunning Krugger syndrome bro.