General Discussion

General Discussiondo you go yasha or dagger first after fury on jugg?

do you go yasha or dagger first after fury on jugg? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    cus posters like you waste everyone's time by lying about artificial benchmarks to hit


      pretty sure its "posers", and you are free to think whatever you want


        and u also said u can only get 70 creeps in a free lane


          get some dark trolls and ure good to go


            ^he knows whats up

            me, government hooker

              lying about artificial benchmarks to hit

              lmao u ever played dota before??


                *retardness intensifies*

                sin blyadi

                  manta, then dagger omg

                  Dire Wolf

                    no I said there are only ~70 lane creeps at min 10 so to get more you have to kill a bunch of jungle shit. You can't even fucking read idk why I bother.

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                      Phase -> Bfury -> MoM -> Aghs

                      ^^^ That is my go-to core in my last ten games as Jugg, and I won 9/10 games. 1/9 wins was a tough game. 8/9 were easy.

                      *drops 2 cents*


                        Lost match but here is a battle fury , wand phase and pms game at 14 minutes. It's actaully fairly easy .


                          you are the one who cant read btw, i literally said that you said that you can only get ~70 creeps in lane when you can get ~80?


                            in lane, that is

                            Dire Wolf

                              rofl ok sorry filthy I was wrong and you are sooo right! that's totally attainable in every match. I watched the replay, here's what went down.

                              You got first blood at rune cus your entire team with two stuns went top and enigma ran into you guys alone like a dumbass. Secured fb with blade fury.

                              Then you and witch dr proceeded to kill offlane axe 6 times in under 9 minutes.

                              Pudge came over to try and help out poor axe and got his ass kicked too. At 10 minutes you were 5-0-3 but only 47 cs. Axe finally solo killed you somewhere in there when wd left lane but it didn't matter cus all your fucking gold was reliable lol.

                              Then your team 5 manned top, let you get the last hit on a t1 worth over 300g, pushed and took the t2 for 200g, couple more kills.

                              Yup, you're absolutely right, battlefury last part on the bird at 14 minutes.

                              Hero score 5-1-4 and that didn't include a team kill you were in range for assist gold but didn't show up on score. CS is 65/5. Two t1s down and a t2.

                              In reality you farmed slow that game considering how badly axe fed you. So yup, totally possibly! all you need is a strong lane, a weak offlaner (axe can't really do shit vs jug since spin is magical and jug can kill him without proc'ing swings, plus can dispel his hunger), and to have him feed you 6 kills in first 10 minutes then 5 man down some t2s. Works for me.

                              However I forget passive gold which is a lot at 14 mins, 1400g. And yes it's closer to 80, I think it's 19 waves plus 2 sieges for 78. My fucking bad for being off 8 creeps with an approximation. The passive gold makes a much bigger difference.

                              But truth is shoot to not miss cs, you still won't get all those items by 14 minutes in a reasonable fucking game with competent opponents, but you'll be close enough I guess.


                                Lol thanks for taking the time to check out my game truth be told that wasn't my best game I just noticed I had all the items you said you couldn't have at 14 minutes . Imagine if I had more cs :p

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  Also jug can easily get kills in lane , he is one of the best cary for kills in lane in my opinion .also I am pretty sure I mentioned that as long as you get said items by 18 mins you can hit your timing real well . Anything after 20 mins you are a liability to your team .

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    When I get some time I'll pull up some games just for you I suppose it's the least I can do since you took the time to watch my game :0

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                                        me, government hooker

                                          axe vs jugg.. the horrors of 683 feelsbadman

                                          the Goat

                                            Manta and diffusal

                                            the Goat

                                              And people pls...
                                              Dont go agha scepter on jugg


                                                If i wanna afk farm and lose the game with feeders i buy power treands bf and 2 butterfly and eye of skady (fuck earlly game items)
                                                I dont know why ppl get roa cuz its useless and poor man shield is 10 time better for melee carries
                                                Jugg is a good hero but hes not righclicker like pa or am cuz he aint got slow or stun hes just good in farming. He fall to other hard carries.
                                                With that build you can solo roshan and man fight with any good righclicker

                                                Dont put jugg as pos 1 cuz he gonna let you down. Roam and gank as much as you can push with healing ward and do rosh before enemy. Thats all a jugg can do


                                                  well dam it wont let me review the replays. here is it at 15 minutes for what its worth.

                                                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                    I love fury aghs blink juggernauts

                                                    SMOrc Farm forest SMOrc
                                                    SMOrc Wait for ult to come online SMOrc
                                                    SMOrc go fight SMOrc
                                                    SMOrc Kill 1 support with ult SMOrc
                                                    SMOrc go back fountain SMOrc
                                                    SMOrc repeat SMOrc
                                                    SMOrc Lose game for my team SMOrc

                                                    instead of "build sny, make aby n heart, go butter n some dps and win game with right clicking (also diff/manta depends on the game)"
                                                    and GUYS pls if you rly want to win games with jugger go 1 1 1 1 build and stats early with prio on ward, maxing blade or crit is pathetic, 10x (Arteezy did that is not an excuse)
                                                    anyway this hero is brainless but don't go battlefury, rly, even radi is ok. BF juggs remind me of 2006 days how did ppl not learn that this build is trash


                                                      David aghs and battle fury is your most built item in jugg

                                                      Your Wife's Boyfriend


                                                        I've played with this build for years, I don't think I've played jugg the last 2-3 years, probably a game or two. But going with this items is not good and I've made a mistake. But rly, s n y and few fighting items is much better than the ult go back to base fury aghs build.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          well that axe was fucking terrible and maxed hunger first and started 0-6. At least half the time when I pick jug I get the shittiest support like a dazzle vs a double offlane of solo offlaners like tide + slark or some shit and they crush us.


                                                            fury aghs?
                                                            ulti go back to base?
                                                            do u even know what u are talking about or just baseless theorycrafting

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              what if you go mid and buy phase shadow blade agh
                                                              viable.. somehow?


                                                                ^yes. But diffu instead of aghs.


                                                                  S and y or manta very good on jugg . Aghs seems terrible .


                                                                    I think sange and yasha or manta is core on jugg .

                                                                    Your Wife's Boyfriend


                                                                      nvm you are the best player i've seen keep with this build im pretty sure I can win some 2k games with it if the enemy team is afk


                                                                        its actually more like 82-83 creeps


                                                                          @asdf dude you clearly can't read by the way


                                                                            obviously i made this thread expecting to gain some insight so clearly i dont think im close to good but right now u are just sprouting utter nonsense


                                                                              ^yes. But diffu instead of aghs.

                                                                              what do you buy next and how do you skill?
                                                                              manta basher bkb? deso?

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                                                                                  Depends on the lineup. Skadi bahser fly. Smth like that.

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                                                             Happens pretty often 14 minute phase battle fury , wand , pms again



                                                                                          lm ao

                                                                                            ban op for necro