General Discussion

General DiscussionHas Invoker fallen off lately

Has Invoker fallen off lately in General Discussion

    So I've climbed a good 600 mmr in the past patch and as I'm climbing Invoker has rarely been a problem. For some reason the higher I climb, the easier they become. For example my last game alone I went mid as weaver against Invoker. which he was 200-300 mmr higher borderline highskill since I was playing in a 2 man party. (This invoker was playing solo) Nearly all my games now he isn't hard to deal with nor does he feel op. I also think the 3.1-3 is very inflated as I'm finding it easier to rise mmr with Hatsune Miku at 3k rather then another friend at 2k.

    Any thoughts? Anyone else find him less OP now

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        generally strongest pub hero


          He's only strong if you can play him properly. If you're retarded you might as well be playing oracle


            whew invoker is stronk if used by experienced player
            surprised to see mid weaver againts invoke, u cant farm if he's good ><

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                King of Low Prio

                  there is a massive difference between a good invoker and a insane invoker. Watch Cancel play the hero and you will see how broken he is in decent hands


                    just like meepo n earth spirit ... this few heroes can be either god or trash depend on player skill

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                        I've found Invokers better at game that are just over 2k harder than 3k xD don't understand why


                          probavly 4k mmr playing 2k mmr acc

                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            in <5k mmr matches invoker has 50-52% winrate (because the only way a player below 5k can play godlike invoker is if he is boosting) which isn't that broken, but lately i have the feeling that in high mmr games invoker is like 80% winrate if the player knows what he is doing and that's usually the case.

                            This hero is literally in the dumb meta every single patch. I am not a good invoker player, but it's quite obvious that if a 5.5k+ player with 400+ as invoker is able to have a 80% in ranked pubs that means that the hero is broken. It is skill based (ofc), but gets way too OP in good hands, unlike heroes like SF, WR, Puck etc. who don't have the same impact even in pro players hands. Hope he gets nerfed and idk, mb out of the meta for a while, but they are not going to do this because half of the dota 2 community is living to play invoker every single game.

                            And all this is not even considering the fact that he needs 5-6 (most of the times Spirits, Cold Snap, Meteor, DBlast, Sunstrike,Tornado) out of 10 spells to win a game which doesn't even make him that hard to play.

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                            1UAN 1st PICK IDC

                              Hero is not OP .. ur skilled gameplay makes him OP
                              And imo hes fallen after Dblast update ! But if u see pro players playing him they still dominate with him as if he is never nerfed !


                                David Lynch WR? Try W33's and WR isn't even in the meta right now. Besides, deaf blast can't cancel channels anymore, but it's a pseudo-ensnare stuff(it's true purpose) which locks non-blink heroes in place just enough time to net the meteor/whatever combo.The unpurgeable disarm is pretty handy as well. But don't mind me lel I only had 33.33% winrate as invoker BibleThump. He will, I think always remain in the meta. Not much heroes had his versatility, if any.

                                I love low tiers!

                                  I always thought invoker was balanced