General Discussion

General DiscussionHuge skill gap between 5k and 6k mmr?

Huge skill gap between 5k and 6k mmr? in General Discussion
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      Kitrak, son, may i ask for your solo rating?


        Hes like 6700ish


          Yeah last time i looked he was 6500-6600.


            Kitrak looking forward to that lifestealer nerf next patch kek?, classic ixmike.

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                He won the laning fase.


                  more mmr wont get your dick bigger.


                    More mmr will certainly decrease your brain capacity and increase your virtual Ego.



                      lm ao

                        certainly not

                        by then kitrak would be famous as an online stripper 4Head


                          @?-_-: you originally mentioned that
                          "Here is a simple Dota scale of skill
                          <4k - ?
                          4k - animals
                          5k - humans with strong animalistic behavior
                          >6k - humans"

                          If your father play dota 2, I'm sure he can get 4k.

                          lm ao



                              Fallacy of composition :-)

                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                Im 3k and seeing other 3ks saying a 3k TEAM will beat a 5k STACK (hell, we could go as far as a 5k solo queue YOLO) just made me feel disgusted and like puking both internally and externally.


                                  3k team>5k stack confirmed kappa2016


                                    I bet i could 1v5 a 3k team


                                      ^With a right hero sure.

                                      B U L B A

                                        1x5 possibly, but what about 1x9?


                                          ^With a right hero suuure.


                                            I play 9v1 every game and win 50 %


                                              surprisingly 95% of people claiming that they play 1v9 turn out to be the ones dragging their team down

                                              Execute Order 322

                                                how can a man get 5-6k?
                                                how many games do u heff to play?


                                                  ^ shouldn't matter on how many games you need to play tbh, just individual skill and how you play the game better than everyone else.

                                                  Theres people with sub 1000 games who are 6k and theres people who have like 5k games and arnt even 5k yet, must suck to be someone like that *cough*


                                                    show me one person who has less than 1k games and over 6k mmr


                                                      LOL GOOD LUCK FINDING ONE


                                                        ^w33 smurf has like 600-700 games and 7k mmr xD


                                                          i think he has like 10k games tho


                                                            ^check the skill bracket of the very first game plz and tell me whether you think it was his first game in dota, or it is a smurf account of someone who was initially above 6k.

                                                            Eternal Ember

                                                              @OP your like a big fake boobs,comparing 5k vs 6k like you're belong to them😂 maybe you calibrated at mid 4k. Normal games vs 6k guys is just a shitty show. Trust me they never get serious on that normal matches😂. They tend to loss at normal games to get easier ranked match the next game. Old trick on raising MMR


                                                                ^i dont think any of 5k+ players believe it works

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                                                                    They tend to loss at normal games to get easier ranked match the next game. Old trick on raising MMR


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                                                                        LoL ^

                                                                        A lot of people, including myself, grind mmr for on reason, so in the future, the quality of matches increases. The idea (at least my idea) is not to get higher mmr to showoff, its to get a higher percentage of quality matches, NOT won matches, just quality matches.

                                                                        The higher the mmr, the more chances are your teammates will actualy do what their suppose to do, in stead of just throwing all day long, wich happens in lower mmr.

                                                                        THIS is why we worry, so next time I click "find match" I wont worry "with what retards will I play now", and in stead, maybe think "I wonder what hero/role will I fit in to have more fun now"

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                                                                            No way to do so, 3 out of 5 games, are ruined by people refusing or not knowing to do basic stuff...
                                                                            Games would be fun if it would go down to 1 or 2 out of 5, then I would not be worried about mmr any more

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              Everyone's talking like only their teammates are bad xd


                                                                                Well yeah, if you are lucky you get bad team mates in just 40%of matches, if you are unlucky u get bad team mates in 60% of matches. So for a grinding tryhard to go up, he needs luck...

                                                                                1UAN 1st PICK IDC

                                                                                  We dont get bad teammates always .... U must be good hero picker in every sense


                                                                                    honestly speaking, I don't see there being a huge mechanical skill cap between 5k MMR palyer and 6k MMR player. The thing that is hugely different is non-mechanical mental skills. And by this I mean much, much more rarely do I see 6k MMR player giving up games that are hard and also 5k MMR players more rarely knows when to fight and when to farm and can adjust their game accordingly.


                                                                                      The point of this thread is that there is a same absolute difference (1k), but different skill gaps. What i'm trying to say is that difference in MMR relative to skill is not absolute at all mmr levels: 4k player is not better than 3k player as much as 6k player is better that 5k player, but the difference is the same, in mmr, 1k. That being said, the skill gap distribution is different among different MMR brackets, and the higher MMR is, the less the difference, with a STRANGE exception, which i noticed and mentioned, 5-6k. As mmr number is bigger, less is the difference, which means that 9k and 8k players are having their skill level at almost the same. On the other hand, as MMR gets extremely low,
                                                                                      (because of the learning process), 2k player is 10 times better than 1k player, i must imagine. So there is a function that describes how skill difference increases less and less as you get higher mmr (7k+ i would say), compared to the opposite, where you get insane skill differences between players at absolute 1k difference on low mmr brackets.

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                                                                                          Yes 5 or more then 4 and 6 is more than both. lets move on.