General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to handle toxic player in game

How to handle toxic player in game in General Discussion

    Need some advice to handle those kind of toxic players in game. like feeding because 2 mid , support play carry , throwing because cant last hit , etc .

    i tried talking nicely to them to not feed but still they wont listen. they just like 10 y.o kids . smh

    see this for example : , last pick omni but he didnt support , he go quelling early and steal last hit from juggernaut then juggernaut feed all game. i tried talk to jugg nicely to not feed but he keep feeding enemy.




        i dont think that's gonna help. because he will just keep feeding

        wait for me

          U cant helphelp if someone keep feeding. You can certainly try to play your best so you can at least say to yourself that u were the better man. I've been on both side of this situation. I played as PL and pugna kept feeding because he wanted mid but OD took it. We tried so fucking hard, at one point we dared pugna to feed some more.
          I fed eney team as Lone Druid, because I wanted mid but Ursa took it, eventually ursa managed to win us the game. So try your best. If u win good for you, if you don't, well tried


            Mute everyone.
            Find somewhere to safely leech XP till the end of the game.
            If tilted do something else for a bit

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            HAWK TUA

              There's actually not a whole lot you can do about that. - CLQ

              Best you can do is probably to just try and farm and focus on yourself.

              Eternal Meow

                Omni saw himself as carry, not support. He wants all the last hits because he is playing carry. It was another all carry team. So Jugg pouted and fed. A random Jugg getting mad and feeding happens so often in my games I don't even see it as odd. Same with people picking support hero and saying they are the carry.

                I saw a game recently where Skywrath Mage just click auto followed Invoker. Stole all his last hits. And give the enemy sentry and dust all game to counter ghost walk and bounty hunter. All because Skywrath wanted to be the mid and carry. I remember another one with a player named "Mid or Feed Literally" who did the same thing. He said in all chat that in every game if he doesn't get mid he will throw the game. He also bought wards and put in enemy's inventory.

                You can't do anything about it but report the feeder. Try to kill whoever is getting the most fed. You can still win a game with a dedicated feeder. I remember winning a few games where a team mate was intentionally feeding, bought a divine to give to enemy, used fissure to trap team mates, etc. The enemy team started playing less seriously because they assumed they would win easily.



                  Dire Wolf

                    Sometimes you can't do shit, just report and move on. I had an NP go ape shit cus I noticed he had 7 np losses in a row and suggested maybe don't pick np, he's got low pub rate and you haven't been winning, try something new. As soon as game started he went to cliff jungle (I don't know if he always cliff jungles ancients or just cus he was trolling this game) and bitching non stop about how dare I comment on his build. Then he fed couriers. I died a couple times trying to save couriers, it really fucked me up. In hindsight just let them feed the courier, you can't stop it, focus on playing. This is his fucked up profile, a real asshat.

                    Then a guy picked od mid, counter picked by nyx, he started 0-3, raged and fed couriers too. Nothing you can do. Unfortunately he's anonymous so I can't see if he went into low priority.

                    Eternal Meow

                      NP likes to cliff jungle ancients so he can watch other people play instead of himself and tell them how much they suck on the mic while he doesn't do anything. He will spam "GG NOOB TEAM" in all chat constantly since he doesn't have to focus on last hitting or fighting. Occasionally he will come down from his cliff to KS or feed. Afterwards spamming "GG NOOB TEAM" again before going back to his afk ancient farming. Eventually he will start pushing lanes and dying. Then he pings everybody else and spams "GG NOOB TEAM" again before rage quitting. This is the play style of all highly skilled NP players.


                        Report. Soon they will all be in low priority so you don't have to deal with them.

                        Swap Commends

                          I stopped reading


                            Its cause they ARE 10 years old kids, dont you realise.. :D

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                              mute and report


                                I dont care about them just keep doing what you need to do according to your role