General Discussion

General Discussionslark?

slark? in General Discussion

    how the fuck do you stop this hero

    strong in lane
    can farm fast
    can kill people early
    can kill people mid
    can kill people late
    can kill people in the middle of other 4 people and walk away just like nothing
    ton of escapes
    doesnt give a fuck about dusts
    doesnt give a fuck about disables



      i'm fucking sick of playing against this hero especially when i'm getting wrecked by him every single time even though everyone says how garbage hero he is

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        you get a supprot with double disable like lion or shadowshamn so he can only purge one and you gnak often with a spirit breaker or spec etc


          im rather looking for how to play against him than what to pick against him (though that's welcome as well. all i know that manaburn craps on slark)


            Try to dodge his jump early. Mid game group up together. Lategame if you dont have strong AOE disables or nukes you are done so dont let him get to that point


              Any hard carry really! Just right click him till he dead. Example: antimage(my fav one) spectre.. pa
              Ursa is good to shut him down earlly and out lvl him ofc


                PA is bad against slark. Spectre counters everyone. AM is medicore against slark because he can escpape him but with AM you lose midgame and slark snowballs as fuck


                  am is super strong against slark


                    ^AM has an edge of 3.1% against slark and 48% overall winrate but since AM's winrate is better at higher MMR and slark's winrate is lower I guess you are right

                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                      i think one has to be autistic to not win vs slark as am

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        He isn't that strong in lane tbh, especially not against duals.

                        master blaster

                          - use disables on him after he has used dark pact. he has to use dark pact for damage in fights or he doesn't do that much.
                          - keep track of essence shift. avoid him as much as possible when he has a lot. take advantage of how weak is when he has none.
                          - remember he's not invincible in ult, he can be killed with aoe. sometimes even save your aoe spells so if he waits til he's low before ulting you can just kill him anyway.
                          - buy orchid and sheep. dark pact makes him difficult to disable, but when he is disabled, he's food.

                          there are many heroes that hard counter him.
                          some good counterpicks are antimage, void, doom, qop, earthshaker, zeus, OD, bloodseeker, AA, lina, lion, leshrac, windranger, puck, disruptor, silencer, legion, sand king, tiny, timbersaw. there are loads. but if you don't have any he seems pretty unstoppable.
                          the key is unpurgeable, or just particularly strong, lockdown and aoe.

                          (I have mixed feelings about writing this as a slark main lol)

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                          Dire Wolf

                            Dude slark is weak as fuck in lane. Only time he is good is vs a solo offlaner and he can steal a bunch of their stats. Slark is super squishy early, using dark pact hurts him, can't escape early. That's why offlane slark sucks balls and you should always run him safe lane with a support so he can farm.

                            I do get what you mean being obnoxious. You can be like 3-4k gold ahead and he still solos you mid game with just a s&y and a shadowblade or basher or something but that's his strength, 1v1 fights.

                            Doom destroys him, lc destroys him, mass disables destroy him, void destroys him.


                              Strong dual lanes, 5man, sentries/gem, multiple disables, anti mage is pretty good against him, void can fucking rape him with a good setup if you remember that game we played like a month ago.

                              waku waku

                                pick spectre


                                  i picked spectre and i got rekt
                                  i dont feel like she's good against him that much, he farms a lot faster

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                                    i dont know how u even win with slark.


                                      ^ i don't know that either but i lose 90% of times when enemy picks him

                                      master blaster

                                        slark counters spectre, not the other way around

                                        but a lot of other meta heroes like OD, zeus, void, invoker, lion counter slark

                                        waku waku

                                          try again you just got unlucky after this you'll win like 90% games as spectre

                                          game is bad

                                            D I S R U P T O R

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Slark counters spectre pretty hard, like others said, cus he's a 1v1 machine and spectre is not at all. If you want a carry to counter slark go like wraith king or sven and get an abyssal. Make him dark pact your stun then abyssal and kill him before it wears off. Jug is a very good basher carry too but his ult won't work on slark cus he'll just ult out of it.


                                                If you're playing a support or Squishy hero, consider getting a ghost sceptre. Usually supports die because their team cant disable slark during shadow dance and he can just tear through the poor supp. A ghost sceptre will let you live through his ult and possibly be able to get off your spells.

                                                On a similar note, AOE stuns and disables are pretty good because they can disable slark during his ult. Heros like Earth Shaker, Nyx and Invoker can be good slark counters.


                                                  the slark/spectre thing is special, it really depend on the momentum of both team, and how the game became more teamfight or pickup/split oriented.

                                                  If it's teamfight, spectre win
                                                  If it's pickup/split it really depend on the reaction/placement of teammate of spectre, cause yeah you NEVER want to go 1v1 with spectre against the slark at anypoint of the game unless very ahead.


                                                    how to play slark?


                                                      There are lots of disables Slark can't dispel: Chrono, Black Hole, Axe's Call, Duel, Doom. Also there is AA ult, which is not a disable, but nice spell to stop regen.


                                                        Blood seeker :٤

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          well right it's not like slark is gg spectre's team is insta loss, spectre is such a strong team fight hero they can still easily win cus team matters more than one hero. It's not as big of a counter as like earthshaker > ck, or lc > am or AA > alchemist.


                                                            Btw guys look at this cute face ت


                                                              Or just look at the alins ن ث


                                                                ة= :o
                                                                Meh im just bored as fuck


                                                                  Earth spirit can stun him in shadow dance and silence him when he comes out of it. Not to mention that slark can't really kill earth. Anti mage is also great, a hard counter actually.




                                                                      Solar Crest and guardian greaves to save the pounced target if that's what ur looking for op.


                                                                        or simply glimmer cape :p


                                                                          so u can stop slark very ez... just go dual and harras with the besy counter support , lina , lion , shaker , nyx and more and more. If he gets the farm early forget everything u gonna lose anw :p

                                                                          green brocolli

                                                                            I feel like SK in support or nc has a high win rate against him

                                                                            green brocolli


                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                yup sk good cus his ult still kills slark during shadow dance.


                                                                                  ^ Dronz looks like a specialist on and about this hero, listen to him OP, just read wat he posted 3-4 times. Things should gets sorted out, looks like u have a mental block more than anything else. Just my 2 cents.


                                                                                    Weak in lane versus a strong lane . Shit on him early so he can't snowball then 5 man mid game and end and he'll end the game with like a shadow blade and a yasha . I am guilty of getting wrecked by slark myself unless I personally lane against him to make sure he is shitted on early .


                                                                                      i've found sven to be a pretty good safelaner pick vs slark

                                                                                      he really relies on getting a fast level 6 to ramp up in farming so if you have a strong dual lane that can zone him out it's hard for him to do anything unless he commits all his abilities.

                                                                                      sometimes you'll be vs. slark + 2 disablers and it's impossible to contest farm without feeding so you'll just need to win the other lanes and then start pushing down towers early so it's not as safe for him to mindlessly do lane <-> jungle dark pact rotations. slark doesn't do well in 5v5 situations early on when his only way of initiating is just running at you


                                                                                        ^ noted, thanks a lot

                                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                                          Pick Spectre someone said? Bahaha' Bring that Spectre around my Slark or ANYONE that can play Slark decently/good, free wins, thanks Spectre picker! Kappa

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                                            Also, Arin!!!! <3

                                                                                            Pointy Shoes

                                                                                              Good supports can work well against Slark.
                                                                                              Ancient apparitions ulti, disruptor and support mirana. Maybe even bane.

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                idk man aa, disruptor and espacially support mirana are just ez 25 mmr for slark if he can play his hero


                                                                                                  i dont wanna play against fucking techies when im slark and good arc warden.


                                                                                                    slark eats aa disruptor and mirana lmao. void invoker so good against him


                                                                                                      Ignore everyone who is suggesting Spectre - Spectre, along with similar heroes like Medusa, has no burst damage, no disable, and is rather slow. Slark counters her well at every stage of the game, and can kite her to death. It's nearly impossible for a good Slark to die to a solo Spectre, even if the Spectre has a 5K gold advantage.

                                                                                                      DO pick Slark if you see Spectre, however.

                                                                                                      Get Orchid and Guinsoo to counter him.


                                                                                                        Don't forget his 1800 Night Vision. OSfrog