General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does clockwerk have highest denies per minute?

Why does clockwerk have highest denies per minute? in General Discussion

    Why would he out of all heroes have the highest denies per minute? Why not shadow fiend, antimage, invoker, or other competitive cs heroes?

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Cogs count as denies and clock pwns a lot of his cogs.

      Pointy Shoes

        ^ this. my record is 54 denies with clock ^^.
        Also I feel that it's very easy to deny with clock's ordinary attack because you don't need to consider timing so much.

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        Livin' Real Good

          OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, so that explains it~ I never knew they counted toward his actual denies, makes sense. But honestly I always get denied by clock more than most offlaners. LOL I thought it was just a clockwerk player type of thing. LOL He will be getting zoned out, then out of nowhere just walks up denys, takes a shit load of damage, but to him it was worth it. LOL

          Miku Plays

            whenever i go clock i always try to deny all my cogs kek


              spunki had like 200 or denies or some shit when i was watching his clock game lolz

              Eternal Ember

                Early game, clock got high base damage. ROFL. Newbie spotted


                  Pretty sure you all meant cockwork.

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