General Discussion

General DiscussionIf u want to carry the shit out of everyone go mid. Thoughts?

If u want to carry the shit out of everyone go mid. Thoughts? in General Discussion


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    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Gank, especially if you have mid advantage and your enemy midder isn't planning on helping other lanes.

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        And how did you get very high skill so fast? I think on my smurf I made the mistake of supporting which is totally unfair to people that actually feel like supporting.


          OD lel. Ember spirit was a shit show

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Jesus lol that is ez.

            I only played about 15 matches on my smurf, and after doing about 3 hours of research I found out that those 15 matches (all support) were an utter waste of my time since supports suffer which is totally fucking broken lol

            I like my main account (this) anyway. A lot of history to it, and I have a shit load of work to do to get out of elo hell.

            I was supporting for the past week or so, and recently (like two days ago) people have been letting me mid, and mid really has control of the games lately!


              Safe Lanes get Dumpstered in most games.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                My safes are okay, mainly since I support usually. Lately I have been enjoying mid and jungling the most. Friggin' Iron Talon is awesome when I ls or lc


                  Don't lc so pedestrian :/ also git gud.

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    lc is easy in my bracket. And I have gotten good, oh, my mmr is hidden so it's locked at the 2.6 so when I get to hs it will through people off lol


                      Git gud lel


                        Anti Mage


                          Queen of pain, LANAYA.


                            Safe Lane's by far the best way to 1v9 this patch. OD mid is an exception.


                              Safe Lane needs luck for sure.


                                you should be able to come back even from a shitty lane if your team can make a bit of space.


                                  That's team dependence, totally unreliable.


                                    those games are bound to happen.


                                    spectre aa am trilane


                                      I think mid gives best chance if you are good mid , I am a subpar mid though, I seem to raise mmr the best with sAfelane carry or position 4 ganker helping every lane win


                                        Or be like me.
                                        Combine every role into one.
                                        Carry + Support + Gank.

                                        Always tp support.
                                        Buy wards, courier, pass tangoes.

                                        Get Mek. Babysit the carry.
                                        Clean up after team fights.

                                        Be the ultimate player.

                                        So far I've found great success with Oracle that has the ability to do the above mentioned.

                                        Maybe its because ppl still dunno how he works? Who cares.

                                        I'm a dedicated Position 5, and climbed into VHS by spamming Oracle only.

                                        So if I can do it.
                                        SO CAN YOU!