General Discussion

General Discussionmeta predictions for 6.87

meta predictions for 6.87 in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Casual windlace will be a trend

    More axe, probably will build more abyssal blades too

    Fstaff upgrade COULD be better panic button escape for sniper compared to blink in teamfights

    Storm + aghs = magnus 2.0

    panda = lycan/ld junior

    mom said it's my turn to ...

      scratch that. Hurricane pike WILL BE the go-to item for sniper. The hero itself just needs a damage buff so badly.

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        Viper,axes with blade mail and naga could be cancer this patch
        Bristle is kinda strong too

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            qw invoker will rise again, because of bloodthorn, invoker will still be a cancer


              hard carry like am and pa might not go for abyssal at all and go mkb insteal


                drums had a huge nerf, it will drop popularity on invo slark etc


                  I give no fucks, I think I can play Winter Wyvern again.


                    octrine mana regen nerf, blood stone buff, basically telling ppl to buy bloodstone on zeus instead of octrine, ocrtine nerf didnt matteror dp, invo or other eul's carriers, they have enough mana regen anyways. Meanwhile, zeus usually go mana boot aether lens octrine or bloodstone,
                    back then octrine was way better than bloodstone because of the cd reduction and heal, now zeus wont have enough mana with it.


                      ww agh's is fucking amazing btw


                        scan ability=smoke nerf=less 5 man
                        creeps gold buff=more farming
                        im really happy about this, im ahuge fan of heroes like am luna, farming huge stacks and creeps waves is the sickest thing in dota, imo


                          axe will dominiate 1k bracket


                            invoker and dp are still the best mid


                              u cant take rosh early just with a invoker on ur team anymore, for they nerfed forge spirit health nerf, this is the biggest nerf to invo, so i think qw invo will be way better in 6.87.


                                pa's laning will be super strong, and the new buff helps with early jungle roration as well


                                  pa, slark new tier 1 carrys, and sven is still op as fuck, 5ms nerf is nothing, they need to nerf warcry or god strength. spec is still good as well


                                    that's most of thoughts, i love this kind of discussion. really looking forwards to this patch

                                    move look

                                      Slark glimmer cape, solar crest, bloodthorne build for pubs.

                                      Spectre stays relevant with blademail vanguard build into eventual abyssal.

                                      Storm safe lane or jungle with iron talon going bloodstone orchid aghs thorn

                                      SF Euls blink aghs makes the ult instakill even at like 3k hp cuz of the souls giving 5 more lines which is like 1k damage. Seems pretty strong.

                                      Axe blademai

                                      Qop really good with orchid bkb crit thorn build.

                                      New armor reduction item on roaming bounty.

                                      TA buys the force staff item no blink if you can still meld strike from infinite range, also she buys the armor reduction item in lane for psi blade synergy.

                                      Wind ranger crazy strong with late game thorn aghs and force staff item.


                                        i honestly think storm aghs is garbage

                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                          Pa's new dagger seems really strong. She might have even more reasons to actually build rapier late game(and drop it Kappa)

                                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                                            Forgot to add there would be a marked winrate spike for axe.


                                              pretty much axe is broken now

                                              good early game and scales into late game

                                              no longer countered by armor nor bkb

                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                I also think abyssal blade will get a winrate increase on its own.


                                                  vanguard naga, unkillable illusions :)
                                                  tarrasque is no more abyssal is the way to go, it makes your illusions tankier than heart and is a better fighting item


                                                    - Storm agha refresher incoming. U heard it here first boys.
                                                    - Str heroes will dominate this meta
                                                    - riki will become average
                                                    - invo still quite good not OP though
                                                    - OD got buttfucked
                                                    - spectre is now just above average
                                                    - sven almost untouched
                                                    - blyatcyka will become the other jungling cancer with LC
                                                    - agi carries have taken the hardest hit because str have been buffed, magic dmg buffed and they got nothing and bladmail will fuck up some of them
                                                    - naix back to trash tier even with his 3.0 str gain blademail can now destroy him
                                                    - axe is actually really good now
                                                    - earthshaker is the new OSfrog, litteraly
                                                    - SF's aghs will become viable
                                                    - drow ranger will become situationally broken.
                                                    - Beastmaster still good.
                                                    - brewmaster is above average now.


                                                      ^ ya but wats the point of making them unkillable by creeps lmao

                                                      just get a casual stout and u can jungle with them alot easier


                                                        Lich will be the New aa from 6.85


                                                          if u go to the meta tab of Heroes, you'll see that three biggest winners are axe, lifestealer (what?) and timbersaw (wtf?)


                                                            @nami you dont rush vg in a good freefarming game i think but gives you the option at least to build something if you get preassured, you can jungle at full hp while your illusions split push since minute 10 or less and someone needs to come to your line and nuke the illusions cuz they dont give a shit about right clicks while youre safe farming jungle and still the extra hp makes them harder to nuke, my point is you can be annoying, farm, and make space to yourself with no need of babysitting without going all in radiance rush and still get radiance at a decent timing.
                                                            lategame you can upgrade to abyssal, i rather have 4k hp with abyssal and 40 damage block in all my illusions than just 4.5 hp with heart... and the main naga is much stronger with abyssal no doubt

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              pretty sure axe win rate will drop off once people get used to him again. he is fairly straightforward to counter by easily played heroes.


                                                                naga tb medusa

                                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                    what's with slark

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      Lifestealer is the hero boys, like always.


                                                                        Life stealer New Build is awesome=Echo +Armlet+Sange&Yasha+DEsolator

                                                                        [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                                                                          I think ench will still be fine because it was only her late game that got nerfed, and her dragon lance now can build into an item that works with her anyway. Also the untouchable was untouched so she is still bs

                                                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                            Storm safelane, Orchid , bloodstone, aghanim, finish Bloodthorn,

                                                                            move look

                                                                              Bloodstone first I think.


                                                                                Damage block on illusion is actually huge for tb
                                                                                You can tank jungle creeps with illusions and PMS
                                                                                Even vanguard can be viable imo since is scales to abyssal


                                                                                  Everyone's going crazy for 6.87 lol...


                                                                                    Pl with abysal blade and diffusal. Now diffusal burn 40 mana. PL is back

                                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                                      I JUST WONDER , HUSKAR DPS IS ALREADY RIDICILOUS WHY NOT BUFF FOR TANKINESS WTF.
                                                                                      but hey still a buff i will take it #huskarplayer4life


                                                                                        ^illusions burn less mana

                                                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                                                          is it only me that got excited about huskar? anyoneeeeeee :(

                                                                                          shag bro

                                                                                            Echo sabre nerf incoming kappa


                                                                                              i might be moving from invoker to huskar :)
                                                                                              LOLJOKE I REKT HIM EASILY

                                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                                ^ u not see my huskar yet ayakami >:( 11 winstreak at 6.86 as huskar 4head


                                                                                                  I used to insta 4 spell on huskar and he died in less than 3s
                                                                                                  dunno in this patch havent play yet
                                                                                                  huskar still dangerous tho :))


                                                                                                    any good hero to spam for mmr?

                                                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                                                      ^ bounty hunter still ez win man.

                                                                                                      @ayakami people always thought huskar is suicidal what makes people understimate huskar and i rekt their faces lawl