General Discussion

General DiscussionNew meta knowledge

New meta knowledge in General Discussion

    The manila major quals start very soon, and I wont have an opportunity to play much untill then, nor i can see the stats cz they are available only for "Last Month", so can u plz help?

    5k+ bracket, preferably 6-7k players, ideally those ones who scrim.
    What do ppl pick so far?
    What do they build?
    What seems to be the most efficient way to play?
    What general things changed?

    I'll bump this thread once in a while (sorry, mods) to let it survive untill Friday.

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    me, government hooker

      axe and lc blademail is broken

      me, government hooker

        ww late game is broken


          axe jungle or offlane?


            offlane but if its a tough lane then jungle

            with the changes, he's a mid/late game monster and him getting blink is critical for him to do anything


              bloodthorn is pretty broken on windranger

              you don't need to rush aghs anymore and you have decent damage on your ultimate downtime

              you don't worry much about dispels/bkbs because you cast it alongside shackle to maximise the dng outuput


                and from what i;ve seen my 6k friends play

                slark with the new silver edge is broken (the new stats is alot more useful to him now)


                  that's it we let havoc play axe every game Kappa


                    ask ur teammates to help u chop down trees before match start
                    banana is the new meta now bois

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Axe is overrated honestly. His problem never was Helix not doing enough damage.


                        ^ yeah but as far as i understand it, blademail ignores axe's armor during call and returns the same damage that the hero would deal to him - then reduced by hero's armor instead of axe's

                        also what's the item progression on wr now

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