General Discussion

General DiscussionEcho sabre on slark

Echo sabre on slark in General Discussion

    Everybody is saying that is makes him OP but its stats are no good for an agi hero. I dont feel the passive is enough instead of an attack speed item or smthn


      That item is really not that great on slark, you get more dps from a moon shard

      Moon shard will boost you to 10.9 attacks per 5 secs, echo puts you at 7.6(8.6 with the echo) even when consumed you get 9.1 with moon.

      try building: treads RoA midas silver edge -> moon/basher/w.e

      dont be thrilled by this ...

        actually i think it makes him op, becuz of that 2bl atk which is strongly matched with his core skill (3rd). more atks, more agility steal!
        also that 100% slow on a success sabre atk disrupts enemies who are running away and again makes his 3rd more efficient! (if enemy is not running and is fighting u, that 100 atk slow makes the fight so painful for him)
        so screw the stats, its a good mid/early game item. u can sell it lategame.

        shards is good but heres the difference:
        1-shards needs 4k gold which is splitted into 2k+2k. sabre is 2.65k splitted into 1k+875+325+450. its obvious u cant go for shards early game despite of sabre.
        2-that 75% mana regen, and 10str+10int really helps slark in early/mid game.

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          Try making echo on riki, u will realize how fast u nuke enemies.

          Mike Wazowski..!

            echo is a good early game item.. later you can disassemble it to make bloodthorn.. bloodthorn is amazing on slark


              I'm getting to 40-50 stacks on slark now. silvers edge is a must in the early game since it builds into skadi


                I feel like Echo Saber is pretty decent, if not OP on Slark. It basicly gives you +10 on all attributes and the mana regen it gives is insane. The slow is nice and if anything the price of the item is incredible for what it gives.

                Swap Commends

                  It doesn't make him op but its a good replace for roq in early game.also better if u add orb of venom to it.


                    I think it's good early. slark has mana problems early. even with tread switching you can't dark pact indefinitely. echo sabre helps with that and just accelerates your farm. maybe not as much as midas, but midas is also less useful in ganks/fights.


                      you get more dps from a moon shard

                      I thought the idea with echo sabre on slark was that you would use it to run up to people, hit them twice to get two essence shift stacks, and then run away while they're slowed. Or you follow up with a pounce, since the slow synergizes with it pretty well. Also the mana regen is helpful since his mana pool is fairly weak early game.

                      the mana, the slow, the essence stacks ... seems to complement Slark really well.


                        Slark is pretty strong right now , I'll be banning him every game and if not banned I'll pick if going carry .