General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm spirit

Storm spirit in General Discussion

    Is storm spirit back?
    With the new item bloodthorn and buff from bloodstone, is storm viable now?


      He Kindof is, but not because of the new items but due to the fact that all other mid´s kindof suck now aswell. You need to be really good with lasthitting though because you need to get fast items in order to accomplish sth after the laning stage.


        ye, go try it. try to watch new storm vid


          Storm still loses mid to pretty much anyone


            Storm still loses mid to pretty much anyone


              Storm still loses mid to pretty much anyone


                Storm still loses mid to pretty much anyone
                ps : nais inglish

                Optimus Drip

                  Storm still loses to junglers.
                  Also. How does storm benefit from crits

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                    Because he is a physical dmg dealer as well because you hit them with right clicks und the interesting part about the new item is that you get True Strike

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                      Storm still loses mid to pretty much anyone


                        Storm still loses mid to pretty much anyone

                        A waifu a day keeps socie...

                          He's not wrong

                          stupid fuck 2000

                            People seem to forget that bloodthorn grants the crits and true strike to everyone in the team, not just storm. Anyway, ive been testing him in my last 4 games and the bloodstone buff made storm decent but you have to rush it (go for arcanes into bloodstone). I don't think he's a top pick or anything though.

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                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              Anyone still loses storm to pretty much mid.


                                ROFL today I just noticed storm has 329 mana when u start the game I think and remnant costs 100 xD BALANCED ~390 with null talisman. His late game wasn't bad at all, now he's even better late game, but his early game is just as shit as before and that's the problem.

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                                  Pale Mannie

                                    those people who are saying that Storm is back

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                                        Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          the main problem with storm is the games too faced paced for him

                                          Is it worth playing him safelane instead of mid then?

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                                              Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                If you do go mid, max your E and go for PT's then bloodstones, dont get Arcanes and expect to get a kill... Once you have soul ring and arcanes (farm > fight). Sumail waits for putting points into W until lvl 10, third core item behind BS and Orchid is the aghs, imagine a 18 second black hole.

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                                                  Just play smart and for farm and late game, unless you are confident in your ganks, and he is decent, dont pick him if your team cant create any space for you.

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                                                    I won't be too confident about your knowledge, Vortex has a 18 sec cooldown on lvl 4 not 12 sec