General Discussion

General Discussionbottle vs soulring on alchemist mid

bottle vs soulring on alchemist mid in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    I reckon this will be deemed a really unpopular opinion, but playing as mid alch I really prefer soulring over bottle to sustain my ability usage. Sure, it is slightly more expensive than a bottle, but it has better reliability when it comes to keeping your abilities ready to use. The active health sacrifice is easily done around with the ult, and on very rare occasions you could deny yourself with this + unstable concoction. Passive hp+mp regen helps a lot too. Of course despite being practically independent of runes to keep your hp and esp your mp topped up, you will still have to run to grab runes whenever possible and decide a proper play depending on rune. Any thoughts?


      bottle is better because:

      you will go for runes anyway (free charges)

      you will have enough mana once you have your ult (at least on lvl 11+)

      bottle can be refreshed by your allies

      bottle doesnt cost hp (idk, alchemist really isnt someone tanky)


        people would rather go soulring on safe or offlane instead of mid since bottle is usually better.
        For mid, bottle is better since you need those bounty runes anyway.

        Birming Ham

          Before level 6 is where the bottle helps the most. Good midlaners will harass you to death and stand around your Acid Spray. Bottle helps you to sustain your Hp to handle harass, and gives you mana to spam Acid.

          If you rush Soul Ring vs a high harass hero e.g. Qop, the second you pop the Soul Ring you are either dead or you have a trip back to base.

          On top of that Bottle synergises with your dependance on bounty runes

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