General Discussion

General DiscussionGraphical Issue - small black things

Graphical Issue - small black things in General Discussion

    Hi guys n girls,

    first of all excuse my bad english.

    i experience graphical issues/problems on my mac book air:

    i see strange small black things appearing almost all the time on the non fog/seeable spots.
    small black "bars" and "points" are appearing and disappearing.
    its quit hard to describe for me in english.
    but i wanna ask if someone saw that shit too?

    i changed graphic settings but it doesnt get better.

    thx in advance for any responses.


      try changing shader settings / bloom and or grahpical settings in windows


        thanks, i will try that out.

        Swap Commends

          Illuminati confirmed




              its still existing. but after i enabled vsync its better then before and less black shit is on my screen.
              I will different settings and i hope its solved soon. thx for help @ sir

              acc buyers in my team

                Update your graphicsdriver. It's an issue with your OpenGL driver.


                  @ kathy: ok thx for info. as i play on a mac book air with mac os x i cannot manually upgrade open GL driver. so i wait for the next update.


                    Hmm, still existing and no solution so far.

                    i turned vsync on and off, same for bloom. now i disabled all lightning stuff but it still exists.

                    maybe i just have to deal with it...


                      It happens when you buy your pc from africa.
                      You need to feed chickens to get it working normal again

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        ok sounds like a good solution - i will try this out