General Discussion

General Discussionis there any way to increase the sound of buyback.

is there any way to increase the sound of buyback. in General Discussion

    i want it to deafen me so i stop failing to realize 13 heroes just bought back.

    or something else to make it more obvious


      Sadly There is no way!! Xaxa


        Is it really not enough? Besides the sound, which gets louder from overlapping when several people buy back at the same time, the hero has an unique message when it buys back.

        I'll admit it'd help in skirmishes where a hero buy backs in the middle of a teamfight full of explosions and rapidly tp's back to it.


          ya, im talking about the middle of a teamfight when its so noisy it's very easy to miss the buyback sound


            honestly i feel like there's sometimes no sound when smone buybacks


              create a ui that makes Explosion of light when a hero buyback. I think this one is possible, as the buyback change the behaviour of some graphical part

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                even me in 3k ppl still can chat and warn each other when theres a bb, espeacially the dead one. i can hear the sound btw


                  ya cuz in 3k it takes them about 37 minutes to rejoin the fight.

                  in 6k you get 2.5 seconds and if ur busy its not hard to miss.


                    Buy speaker moron


                      ^lul mah games avg is 40 mins. u nvr played in 3k then

                      SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                        The gold icon that appears during buyback is enough for me D:

                        Is there any way to see fight recap of some sort during gameplay? Like I wanna see how many heroes bought back after a messy fight


                          u can click any sighted heroes and see if theres any buyback penalty buff on it


                            also reduce the sound of that GODAMN HORN


                              ^ Get your arse to the river and not fountain so the horn sound is softer.

                              Or if you just want to go for shopping spree then get to lanes late... just switch your camera to the river then.