General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorBlade

TerrorBlade in General Discussion

    I'm not your natural carry , I'm best at 3 , 4 , 5 and sometimes 2nd positions . But when I do carry , I find that the most badass carry is TB . He has high pushing damage , a teamfight turning ulti , metamorphosis is like his secondary ulti , and with the right team , he is unstoppable . But I don't see him in pro games anymore . Even now , he's been buffed just a bit , yet no pros wanna use him .
    What are your thoughts on this hero ?
    Have you a favourite game with this hero ? Post if yes .


      Your usual supports just 3 skill that muhfukka 3mins in so nawp. I still like TB tho, wish he had more hp not armor. :(


        Pretty shit、Icefrog keeps buffing the wrong parts - eg trying to make him a team fight hero yet giving him less hp than most supports, so if you turn up to team fights with him he just dies while if you focus on farming and split pushing on him your team just feeds away kills because they have no understanding of how to play safe - nope gotta go barrelling around looking for the enemy before inevitably feeding 3-4 easily avoidable kills to the enemy.

        Needs a friggin strength buff. Go back to the 1.9 per level he had prior to 6.81 and you will have a decent hero.

        Final Boss

          he's meant to be that way, he is meant to counter the enemy carry as he can pretty much kill anyone in a solo fight as long as he doesnt get disabled by someone else and someone who dies to nukers and disablers with ease the same way anti mage dies to right clickers with ease but counters nukers, thats the entire concept of the hero, if you have a problem with that dont play the hero. Tb doesnt need a buff cause that would make him OP for a few months and then he would get nerfed to shit for the next 3-4 years and he doesnt need a nerf either cause he is fine atm.


            Chi long qua was saying on his stream that terrorblade could be the undercover OP hero of this patch but nobody knows it yet. End the game in 25min, that's what he said.

            Final Boss

              someone else stated that tb was the sleeper OP hero of 6.85, well we all know he wasnt, also the 'pros' dont really have any clue on how to play him so they always end up with shit scores like 0-5 and 0-2 by the end of the game while their voker carries them.


                The jungle is your sanctuary. If you fight you will die. Later on you are a beast. I usually go travels first because when other people are fighting you can split with metamorph.

                Dire Wolf

                  He still farms really fast and yup dishes a ton of dmg. Blade mail is bad though, kinda screws up hard, along with every other big right click carry. I like a lifesteal fighting build now though with manta or s&y into skadi+butter+daedulus prob. Bkb is often core now with all the fighting you do and how susceptible he is to magic dmg and disable.