General Discussion

General DiscussionThe all knowing one protects us all

The all knowing one protects us all in General Discussion

    Any nice updated guides on how to play omniknight? Currently stuck at 4.2k~4.3k so I think Il go from spamming offlane to going support when someone else wants that lane.

    Sometimes its just hard for me to think of what items to get n stuff

    Please no flamerino


      3.9 scrub here, mb next month i will exceed u XD. ok i will share u my thoughts
      1st, whats ur point for making an aghs, sup hero should always exist on the teamfight and aghs is less cost efficiency when u can make smth like meka. how can ur farmed, u can do smth like rotating lines, stacking, or zoning so u can end the game fast with fatass carries. About boots i prefer arcane for the team and can be upgraded with meka, and i suggest to not build aether, better make other better things for urself like force, dag, mb lotus but its ok.


        Thanks, good luck on your journey to 4k :D